It really is the most overhyped home-tech development in a long time. It's this decade's inside-the-egg-shell egg scrambler.
Put me down for Tivo. I don't think any invention of the past 10 years has changed my life more on a day-to-day basis. I can watch what I want when I want, and I rarely ever see a commercial. It's like adding hours onto your life.
Garmin DVR Wii External hard rive or flash or jump drive The Flash Player that allows Youtube and Hulu to function
I have HD. It's set up properly. With very few exceptions, it doesn't really enhance my viewing pleasure. Seeing individual blades of grass on the field doesn't help me enjoy the baseball game. Getting a better look at Michelle Tafoya's freckles doesn't help me enjoy a basketball game. Overhyped.
It's hooked up fine. But I like regular definition better. The picture isn't good enough on an HDTV to compensate for the delay in the programming for me. I already have a delay on a satellite, why double it with the HD set when the picture isn't that much better? Plus, this might not apply to a lot of you, but I'm a gamer, and I love to play sports games on my PlayStation 2. One of my favorite games to play is MLB: The Show. On the PlayStation 2, there is a huge delay with the game on an HDTV when trying to hit, completely throwing off my timing, which is vital in baseball. I have the same problems with any game where timing is key, and it's such a detriment to the game that I refuse to play it on an HDTV. I'll pick it up again during my relocation to Idaho when the HDTV will be out of the picture, but for now, the game is shelved because HDTV ruins it. You can have your HDTV. I usually find myself switching to regular-definition feed on an HDTV or abandoning it altogether in favor of my 15" set. The experience is more enjoyable for me.
Why not go full Luddite mode and get a 13-inch black-and-white Philco with foil-covered rabbit ears and a pair of pliers to change the channel?