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Best sports video games ever ...

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by rube, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    You're gutsy.
  2. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    I had it too Beaker.. would love running up the score on my brother - or the computer.
  3. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member



  4. There is no way any game but Tecmo is the correct answer on this board. We should just put it No. 1 and talk about what else belongs on the list.
    The NCAA games on PS2 are pretty sweet.
    How about the Mario Karts?
    Excite Bike (and I really liked the one on N64 as well).
    Punch Out.
    WCW vs. NWO.
  5. a_rosenthal

    a_rosenthal Guest

    I have no idea how to post images.

    But I do know that this was an incredibly fun game that vaguely falls under the category of sports.

    Super dodgeball:
  6. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    Mikey -- if we ever meet, I'm challenging you to a game of KG Jr. Baseball. I swear I can bring it with my team of former presidents!
  7. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Absolutely. A great time-waster of a game -- only takes 25 minutes to beat it, but still fun to play.
  8. rube

    rube Active Member

    Ice Hockey ... now there was a game. Where else you could play a group of oversized ogres against a team of midgets.
    Also, did anyone ever play Nintendo's Kings of the Beach? Karch Kiraly and Kent Steffes were unstoppable.
  9. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Was just about to post about Kings of the Beach. Tim Hovland and Mike Dodd were the other big team in that game.

    SuperSlam Volleyball was great too.
  10. Bruce Leroy

    Bruce Leroy Active Member

    If Excitebike counts, gotta mention R.C. Pro-Am. And Goal was a suitable soccer game for the 8-bit Nintendo.
  11. StaggerLee

    StaggerLee Well-Known Member

    Here's mine:

    1. Tecmo Super Bowl

    Without a doubt, numero uno! Could play this game every day for 12 hours a day and never get bored. Pretty sure I've beat the game with every team, and after I did that, I would do silly challenges like trying to go an entire season without ever throwing the football, or ever running it. It's so awesome, I have it on my XBox and play it more than the XBox games.

    2. Baseball Stars

    The fact that it kept season stats and allowed you to play an entire 162-game season was awesome. My best friend, my brother and I rented the game one summer, each created a team and embarked on the 162-game journey. We played every day for a few hours before heading out to real baseball practice or games. By the way, when we finally brought the game back, some 40 days later, the late fees totaled over $85. We were able to talk the guy into charging us only $30 and letting us keep the game.

    3. Double Dribble

    As basketball games go, I can take them or leave them. But Double Dribble holds a special place in my heart, because I used to play that game until my fingers were raw. It also deserves special mention because it was one of the first games to use speech (albeit a very robotic speech).

    4. Track and Field/Hyper Sports

    This is cheating a little, because it was an arcade hit more than it was a console hit. But since it was a console game, I'm including it in my top 5. I absolutely loved Track and Field, and I abhor track and field in real life. LOL I liked both arcade versions (track ball and two-button). I've always said when I can afford it, I'm going to buy a vintage Track and Field arcade system for my home.

    5. Bill Walsh College Football

    Kind of kicked off the whole NCAA franchise on consoles. Before Bill Walsh, playing with college teams was kind of an afterthought. NCAA is pretty much the only console game that I still look forward to buying when it's released every fall.

    Honorable mention:

    10-yard fight (ready, down, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut)
    Ice Hockey (the original on Nintendo, loved it)
    Mike Tyson's Punchout (cult classic, changed boxing games)
    Joe Montana's SportsTalk Football (loved it when the announcer couldn't keep up with the action on the field, like he'd still be calling the touchdown when you're kicking the PAT)
    RBI Baseball (great franchise with lots of re-playability; had many RBI tournaments in my parents' living room)
    Bulls vs. Blazers (Sega game that got me through a couple of years of college)
  12. ralph wiggum

    ralph wiggum Member

    For all of you who mentioned RBI baseball, play this youtube clip with the volume cranked, and tell me that music doesn't bring back memories

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