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Beware, Trentonian offering jobs that don't exist

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Interim Bedwetter, Jan 23, 2007.

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  1. SwampsofJersey

    SwampsofJersey New Member

    So far, I hear DeRienzio's greatest contribution at the Trentonian has been spelling words wrong in 70 pt. font. To and too has been giving him a little trouble as well.
  2. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    fixed ;D
  3. lapdog

    lapdog Member

    Like what? Cutting the throats of the next group of employees they can sink their fangs into? Don't you worry, they'll never neglect THAT vital objective.
  4. Easy. You blow the whistle, you'll never work in the biz again. And while this industry vindicates whistleblowers in other industries, those very same practices we encourage, we fall prey to.
  5. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Funny you mention that. I've been thinking lately ... we rip all these other companies that lay off people to fatten the bottom line, but no one ever calls out a newspaper when that happens. Hypocrites.
  6. lapdog

    lapdog Member

    What, like JRC holds some special position of honor in the industry? Most other publishers think he's as much of a shit-shovel as the rank-and-file journos do.

    Sure, the publishers would like to get away with some of the more cannibalistic tactics Bloodlust Bob gets away with, but being civilized human beings not raised in a jackal pack, they just can't bring themselves to try it.

    And don't worry about "job recommendations" from a JRC paper. You can always quit cold, list it on your resume, and when your next employer asks about it, just say, "It was JRC. I walked out."

    Either they'll understand, and hire you anyway; or if they don't understand, and they DON'T hire you anyway, you don't want to work for them in any case.
  7. boots

    boots New Member

    What is silly is that there is so much truth behind many of these stories. It's 2007. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!!
  8. WICKED: Yes, it's hypocrisy. Fortunately, we can at least warn each other in places like this.

    LAPDOG: Maybe so, but if you're trying to make a lateral move from a paper like the Trentonian (which might be insane, anyway), and you've blown a whistle, people will notice. We all know the ills — negligible pay, long hours, unpaid overtime, untalented bosses who need Dale Carnegie courses, bring-your-own-supplies. But do you think a hiring editor will want to hire someone who could conceivably blow the whistle on him or his paper?

    I've heard as much bad about JRC as anyone. But the way word travels in this business, ya gotta be careful. Big Brother's watching.
  9. Sinking Ship

    Sinking Ship Member

    Here's another reason to steer clear of Journal Register (see link). It's a minor miracle that employees are still getting paychecks:

  10. lapdog

    lapdog Member

    Yeah yeah yeah, it's all Michigan's fault. Tell us again, analyst-boy. Spit up all that nice tasty pablum Uncle Bob spoon-fed right down your dumbass throat. Sure it's "not their fault" that they massively overpaid for the Michigan papers, and the auto industry was already in a rocket-powered death dive well before they bought into the market, how could they possibly have anticipated such a thing? Of course it's "not their fault." Sure. You betcha. Undoubtedly they were counting on the massive economic upswing their buddy George Bush kept promising was right around the corner. ;) And of course, the rest of the chain is run with magnificent and awesome efficiency and profitability. :D :D

    How many shills does Jelenic have working as "analysts" ? Does he issue official JRC pom-poms and knee pads?
  11. bobsmith

    bobsmith New Member

    Matt DiRienzo is a joke of a human being. He fits right in at JRC -- knows virtually nothing about what makes newspapers successful, impulsively latches on to dumb ideas and mandates them, produces ideas that often have no basis in reality, and tries to act like JRC is a "team" and a "family" yet disrespects employees, doesn't provide them with sufficient resources, and doesn't care that they get paid awfully.

    'Why don't people go out and start their own paper?' C'mon, Matt, you total moron. Glad I don't have to put up with your stupid ass anymore. The fact that you have a position of authority is an example of why JRC has such a disgraceful reputation in the business. Reality check time, buddy. JRC is a laughing stock, and people like you are the reason.
  12. Lee son of Bob

    Lee son of Bob New Member

    Matt is a dear, dear friend of my father and these mean words only cause pain to my special daddy, who has already suffered so much pain. His terrible illness could not bring him down and your mean words will not either but it must come to an end.

    My daddy is still recovering from his illness and is too weak to listen to lies and mean, mean comments about Matt. Look at my daddy. Click on this link and LOOK AT HIM!


    This is my daddy now, the special man in the middle. His terrible illness changed his look but not the loving man on the inside. Look at his eyes and not his hair. Behind those eyes are pure love and pure love is sharply pained when a dear friend is attacked. Matt is a dear friend, so you will stop your vulgar attacks at once.
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