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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    The new HOH will keep things interesting. I have a feeling Kail and Jen are going up once again.
  2. cgibby

    cgibby New Member

    Amber's a lying bitch for the way she treated Nick and kissed up to him after plotting the whole idea to put him up. Made me sick the way everybody turned on him, the only decent person in the house. It's the first time I've ever been pissed watching the show and I've watched it from Season 1.
    I hope Kail, Zach or Jen gets HOH. It's sad but those three have become my "alliance". I'd be okay with any of the following leaving next week: Amber, Dustin, Jessica, Eric, Dick, Danielle or Jameka.
    I was rooting for Nick to win it.
  3. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    I agree that Dick and Dani screwed up by voting Nick out, but even if they didn't, then the voting would have been a tie, right? Dustin would have cast the tiebreaker and would have sent Nick home.

    I would hate to see what Amber is like when a loved one dies or something else happens truly worth getting upset over.
  4. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Was anyone else amused by Dick's reaction to Jameka's proclamation that God already has picked the winner?

    "If there is a God, he's too damn busy to worry about what's happening in this house."

    I howled.
  5. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I enjoy a lot of Dick's comments, but I certainly don't want him around now that I know he said was going to, excuse my language, fuck Kail in the ass and make her bleed. That's too much. I only hope his daughter doesn't find out he said those words. If I ever said something so horrible and my daughter found out, I'd be mortified. It's not the language that is so taboo. It's that he used sex and violence together like that. It's just very ugly, and it makes him a much uglier person. When you add that comment to the stuff he's said to Jen, you really see why Danielle has so much trouble reconciling.
  6. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Oh indeed. The guy is actually rather frightening. I did, however, find it was out of place for Jen to bitch at Danielle about her dad, knowing full well their history together. It's not Danielle's fault he's an ass. It would have been OK for Jen to call Danielle out for being a spoiled, pout princess -- to her face. Not as she was walking out of the room like last night ... and of course, Nick went off on Jen.

    Jen wasn't wrong. Just used the wrong tactics.
  7. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Spoiler alert...

    Danielle wins HOH... On the showtime feed she and Dick were talking about "breaking up the nerd herd" Not sure what that means... They talked about putting Jameka up...
  8. Cape_Fear

    Cape_Fear Active Member

    I'm almost ashamed to be the one to enlighten on this after avoided reality TV until this season and now checking the Internets for updates... but the "nerd herd" is pretty much everybody but Jen and Kail now.

    I don't have the Showtime feed but if that was the exact words used than they've seen the banner flying over the house earlier this week before they got locked down.

    Somebody paid to fly a banner saying essentially: We love Nick. Jen and Amber are liars and the LNC (the above group) is the nerd herd. The housemates that were outside were sent inside by the producers after the plane started flying over.

    God, I have entirely way too much time on my hands.
  9. GoZags!!

    GoZags!! Member

    it's a reference to the Nerd Herd of BB6, and it's b/c a banner flew by while they were doing the HoH comp. You can see the banner on Hamsterwatch.com -- it calls out Eric & Amber and calls the "Late Night Crew" the nerd herd, I assume meaning back-stabbers.
  10. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    did i miss any bad crying tonight? i was out. ??? ??? ???
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    10 minutes in ... no crying.
  12. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Nicely played by Eric, poorly played by Jen.
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