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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Not sure if anyone's watching Big Brother: After Dark on Showtime2, but Dick just had a big yellfest with Jameka and Amber. It got ugly. Jameka called Dick's mom a bitch; Dick told Jameka that Christians everywhere must be proud; He called Amber out on her drug past, figuring that she forgave Eric so the topic must be open season.
    Pretty good drama.

    I don't think Dick's outbursts have been warranted this season, for the most part, I loved him telling off Jameka and Amber, who hide behind God's coattails and place the responsibility for their actions in the house in God's hands. They take no accountability for their own actions. I enjoy watching Dick rip them to shreds.
  2. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I have to say that I was livid after last night's vote even though I nailed it when I predicted that Jessica wouldn't flip for Dick.

    I've never been so wrapped up in a reality show as I have in the past week.

    I could bitch-slap Amber. She's a druggie whore who left her daughter to be on a damned TV show. As if that's not bad enough, we learn that she lied again and again to her boyfriend. But part of me wants her to win and be the person who completely changes for the better. That part of me, though, has to reckon with the part that wants to see Dick knock her into next Tuesday for being such a shithead.

    Jameka does absolutely nothing for me. The last straw was when she fell on her knees and began praying to God about a damned game show. I believe that was after she had surrendered her five HOH competitions. That was pitiful. I mean, come on. Asking God for protection against some guy on a game show? And then she gloated so much after Jessica won HOH. That was pitiful. Meanwhile, she's done nothing strategically or in competition to show that she deserves to still be in the house.

    Dustin is a scoundrel. How can he treat Amber like he did when she came to him on the verge of a mental breakdown. The guy is a cold-hearted snake. Nobody should trust him because the only person of any importance in his world is him.

    And then there's dear Jessica. She is only guilty of being stupid, shallow and unable to do anything of value. What did she do, answer a single question to get HOH? Please! Any girl who witnessed what Eric was doing should have stepped to the plate and knocked him out of the park. She's pathetic. No backbone and no personality whatsoever.

    Jen and Zack are the only two people I care to see do well in this game. Danielle has turned into a fussy pain in the ass. She voted out her man after cheating on her boyfriend with him. Her dad is a psycho with a personality disorder and a chip on his shoulder. I don't care for either one, but I wanted their squad to win the HOH competition so Jen and Zack might have a fighting chance.

    I swear, if it comes down to Jameka, Amber, Jessica and Eric, I won't even bother watching.

    By the way, Dilana rocks!
  3. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Jameka won't do anything strategically because, as she revealed two weeks ago, God has already determined the winner and she is just biding her time until the end.

  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    It got really interesting last night... If Eric had gone home, it would have just been more of the same... You have to assume that Dick and Danielle are going up this week and that they'll do anything they can to get Dick out of the house...

    Dick is by far the most interesting player on the show since Dr. Will...
  5. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    How do you really feel, Heineken? Agree, that final four would be really horrible.

    Dick is absolutely going up this week, so gotta root for him in POV.
  6. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member


    I actually was mad at my wife for being happy that it wasn't Eric who was sent home. She kept laughing because I repeatedly pointed out what an asshole Eric is. I still haven't heard whether he can fess up to being America's Player and finish the game straight. Also, why does he insist on always doing what America asks? Doesn't he have a choice of not doing it and then not getting the cash? And how much cash are we talking? I thought it was $5,000. That's not exactly a lot considering how much is at stake every time he makes a bone-headed move. Here's a guy who clearly wants to be the cool dude. He has his nipples pierced, and he was just dying to flip and go with Dick and Danielle once the tide turned.
  7. Flash

    Flash Guest

    That's a pretty good summation of Eric ... the guy who wants into the cool crowd.
  8. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    I was happy that Jessica won (even though I can't stand the voice). REALLY happy Jen didn't win (even though I like her a lot more than I did the first week). Don't know what I was more excited about - the fact that Jessica won or that her boobs were about to fly out of her top on live TV.

    Also, did anyone catch Dick get in Dustin's face after Jessica won HOH?
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    He went after Jameka too... I'll be stunned if he's not the next to go home...
  10. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Um ... IJAG ... er ... ah ...

  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Dick and Jameka ...

  12. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Can't really tell if these are the same clip ... my work speakers are broken...

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