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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Washed-up, deadbeat, white-trash dad ...

    Dustin just yelled that in Dick's general direction ... after Dick closed the patio door. Say it to his face, you chicken-shit dorkstick.
  2. Yeah, have you noticed that Dustin and Eric (especially Eric) talk a lot of shit ......... after the fact. Eric is always saying how he's going to drop the hammer on someone, but always sits by like a wallflower when the chaos arises.
  3. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Yup. Neither one of them has the guts to face up ... of course, I'm sure if there was any person who would really stand up to Dick, that clown wouldn't say much to him/her either. He's just a big nasty bully.
  4. If, in fact, Dustin ends up being Daniele or Dick's replacement, Thursday's show could be an all-timer.
  5. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    If that scenario plays out and Dick stays because of Eric's vote, Eric is fucked.

    And a big +1 on Jen's tits. I definitely hope she pops up naked somewhere when this is all over.
  6. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    well she did say excuse me to him when she burped/coughed. see what happens when you're polite.
  7. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    That exchange in the kitchen was unbelievable. Dick called Amber out on finding religion in rehab. He was really delivering shots below the belt. What a creep. Amber is going to need years of counseling when this is all over. But she dished it back pretty well. Jameka stepped over the line in calling Dick's mom a bitch. I lose respect for her every time she opens her mouth. If she just backed away, you know, turned the other cheek, she'd come off as the innocent Christian being persecuted for her beliefs. But Dick really picks at them. I can't believe they didn't expect that confrontation in the yard after the way they behaved when Jess won HOH.
  8. Flash

    Flash Guest

    And Dick seemed right when he said they were sitting there to pick a fight ... it sure looked like that.
  9. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, Flash...I know there's not anything to do in that house outside of sitting in the hot tub or the hammock, but why stay in the same room with Dick while he's on a roll? They were practically enjoying it.
  10. Flash

    Flash Guest

    The hilarity came from the smug looks on their faces turning to confusion and then finally weak-willed, insecure, upset anger.

    So they go pray.

    It was awesome.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    It would only be that huge if Dick winds up staying...
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I'm watching the Showtime version and it sounds like Jen is trying to align herself with Eric...
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