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Big Brother 8 running thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by budcrew08, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Hey, Jess. Have you ever wondered if the sky is really blue? Think about it ...
  2. cgibby

    cgibby New Member

    It would be that easy ... you'd have her head spinning if you asked a question like that ...
  3. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Did Danielle's speech in the HOH room grate on anyone else's nerves like it did mine?

    I wanted to tell her to put a sock in it. Or eat a sammich.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    She's annoying as hell... I don't doubt that it's her fault she's estranged from Dick and based on the way her father acts, that's saying something...
  5. cgibby

    cgibby New Member

    She's pathetic ... a real crybaby.

    I bet she's been a Grade A bitch since she was a child.

    I'm guessing that whole family is one big train wreck
  6. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I'm soooo upset. I can't believe you said that about Danielle. She's, like, sooo nice to everyone. The other people lie and cheat sooo much. But Danielle is, like, sooo honest. This is just sooo aggravating. It's sooo hard for her.
  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Cut the crap Danielle. Look at someone like Jen, she got her obnoxiousness out of the way early and seems to be settling in. You're going the other way.

    If Dick goes this week, they will put Danielle on a tee next week and smack her outta the park.
  8. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Isn't it funny that if Dick hadn't gone all Project Asshole, he might actually have a chance to stay?

    He could have wrangled Jen and Zach to vote with Danielle, trying to at least force a tie and preserve an alliance to compete with the people he hates when he's gone, maybe catch an HOH and have a fighting chance. Unbeknownst to him, he ALSO might have gotten Eric's vote and prevailed.

    Now he's made himself so repugnant that Jen and Zach really can't vote to keep him and risk being left behind as someone who voted for that asshole who said all those unforgivable things to the players in power -- and hence put a target on their chests. He started Project Asshole to draw votes away from his daughter, which has since become unnecessary, and is keeping it up to I guess leave a lasting impression. But he's also forced the swing voters to distance themselves from him -- he'll be pissed later if it turns out it would have mattered.
  9. WS

    WS Member

    He'll get Eric's vote, because America wants Dick to stay and hates Dustin.
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    If Dustin goes, it will be shaping up for the best season since Season 2...

    If Dick goes, it will be pretty boring the rest of the way...
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Whatever happened to the guy who won the first season? Was a wheelchair basketball player, I think ...
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The first season was unwatchable... If it weren't for Dr. Will and Mike Boogie in Season 2, there wouldn't have been a Season 3... The only contestants I remember from Season 1 was Chicken George and the girl who cheated on her boyfriend in the house. I think she was the first voted out in All-Stars... Can't remember her name...

    I wish they syndicated Big Brother the way they did with Survivor... I would love to watch Season 2 again...
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