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Big Tobacco to smokers: Bend over

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by outofplace, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i agree 100 percent. but my point is: you can't have real change if you don't fully understand and appreciate the past.

    and YW.
  2. tommyp

    tommyp Member

    Thanks guys...just a bottom line: This is not a political issue for me. It's all about health and money. If you want to tie both my reasons to the political agenda of the nation, go right ahead. I will not take part in that conversation. It's been almost three weeks, and I feel better (I am eating a bit more, but I'll accept the weight gain for now to get off the nicotine). And the money I'm saving is going toward a Thanksgiving cruise to the Caribbean. :)
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That's the important part, tommy. It's also why I tried to avoid the politics on this thread, though I knew it would be dragged in eventually. Glad to see quitting is going well for you so far.
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    You are joking right?

    So the government can now decide what is and what isn't "too addicting"?

    And junk food companies and fast food organizations don't market to kids and don't need that demographic to survive? And beer companies don't -- and it used to be far worse -- target kids and young adults with their adds?

    You've made a lot of asinine statements on these threads as we all have - and that is probably the most asinine of them all. And that is saying a lot.

    You understand the entire McDonald's mantra is -- "adults know the food sucks but if we can make it a fun place to be, the kids will want to come and they are too dumb to know any better....."

    And who do you think junk food companies market to? Oh mom's and dad's, most of whom have begun diets for health reasons because of their age?

    I'd be willing to bet more people die of heart disease brought on by unhealthy eating habits than died of lung cancer due to smoking -- despite all the silly ways the anti-tobacco lunatics try and count smoking-related deaths....

    "Ever smoke before"
    "Well once, when I was 15 I puffed a cigarette with my buddies and I hated it so I never did it again"
    "There you go, that explains your heart disease......"
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    If you quit because you wanted to because you felt like it was no longer the right thing for you and you felt like your health was at risk -- that's a good thing.

    If you quit because government-sanctioned extortion -- the kind (at least prior to the third week of January) we'd frown upon in just about every single industry on the planet except those deemed politically incorrect -- forced the price to such a ridiculously high level that you can no longer afford it -- that's a bad thing.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Typical Zag. Trying to cover up your flawed arguments in insults. At least you are aware that your arguments can't stand on merit.

    Junk food is not chemically addictive in the way nicotene is. Neither is alcohol. The is the "pleasure" of smoking is the relief of a chemically-induced craving. It is the removal of withdrawal symptoms. It isn't the degree of addiction, though it is true that smoking is more addictive than drinking or eating junk food. It is the type of addiction. When it comes to tobacco, it is the use of a chemically-addictive drug, something the tobacco companies intentionally maximized for years. I'm sorry if you can't understand the distinction.

    Yes, companies market junk food to kids. It isn't illegal for kids to buy junk food as it is illegal for anybody under 18 to buy cigarettes.

    Junk food in moderation is not nearly as harmful as smoking, even in moderation. The same goes for alcohol. Again, something you can't seem to grasp.

    And please, tell me how the food I eat or the alcohol I drink damages the health of people around me as second-hand smoke does? And don't even try to use thinks like drunk driving. That is an illegal act on top of the actual drinking. I'm sure you can see the difference, though you will never admit it.

    No go puff your tobacco-filled phallic symbols and leave this thread to those of us who are willing to make sense.
  7. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Alcohol is not addictive? I suppose caffeine, which is in chocolate, is not either...... ::)

    Again -- the more words you post, the dumber your prove yourself to be. In fact, I've noticed around here that the more it becomes clear you are losing an argument (which is almost every thread on any subject by the way) the more words you put in a post in hopes that people just get tired of reading it and don't realize how dumb it is.

    There is no flaw in my argument because my argument, unlike yours, is not based in hysterical emotions and knee-jerk reactionism.

    It is based on facts and the facts are that junk food and bad eating habits are every bit as destructive to people's health and every bit as responsible for Americans bad health as smoking ever could hope to be. Or I suppose the new studies on childhood obesity are all lies as well......(no that's right, I'm sure you think kids are obese because of second-hand smoke.... ::) )

    And there isn't even a sensible way to argue against this, though I am sure you will try because the phrase "you are right, I am wrong" does not exist in your world.
  8. You really are being a big fool today.
  9. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    And I ask you, a week in advance of Passover, what makes this day different ...
  10. Good yontif, my brother...
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Actually, most of my posts are wordy, but that's just another example of your inability to properly represent the facts.

    Nicotene is far more addictive and in a different way than any of the other substances you are mentioning. Either that is too complicated for you to understand or you just refuse to admit to the things that prove you wrong. I really don't care which of those possibilities is in play here.

    I notice how you dodged the second-hand smoke thing by posting something ridiculous. Why? Because you have no answer for it. Go do some research. I don't have the time to educate you on that one.

    You want to talk about "hysterical emotions and knee-jerk reactionism?" You are the one attacking other posters rather than sticking to the facts of the discussion. You are the one who flips out any time the government passes a law against anything or taxes anything. This is all another demonstration of your ego and your political biases, all wrapped up in your need to puff on a cigar that may not be just a cigar.
  12. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Translation -- I really can't argue with your points and since every liberal argument regarding the tobacco industry is based in psychobabble, knee-jerk reactionism and/or emotions I'll just keep calling you a fool and hope it sticks.
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