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Biggest Pet Peeve

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Beef03, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Bumped into my friends mother today asked her how she was doing........."I had a heart attack on Monday!!!...my mother has a heart attack last saturday..we shared a room at Mass General!"

  2. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    she seemed alright......she's not exactly the spokesperson for clean living. But.....when the response is "fine and you" 99% of the time, it definitely caught me off guard. I think my response was "no shit!"
  3. sportsed

    sportsed Guest

    Here's a pet peeve riddle: Who should I be more mad at: (yes, I went double colon on your ass) People who won't turn into the continuous turn lane off the freeway till the light turns green, or the city for not putting a sign up that says CONTINUOUS TURN LANE. GO AHEAD AND TURN, YOU FUCKING MORON. A CAR'S NOT GOING TO HIT YOU. THOSE CARS COMING FROM THE LEFT HAVE THEIR OWN LANE?

    Just curious.
  4. Ah, a spinoff of Sizzle's riddle takes me back to my youth and a pet peeve from my youth ...

    Regularly on Sunday morning there was a route that I took where there was a turning lane marked with the sign "Left turn protected on arrow only." This being Sunday morning 99.9% of the time there was no oncoming traffic to prevent you from making the left turn on green instead of waiting for the arrow. Inevitably though I was stuck behind some stupid moron who couldn't read and apparently thought that you had to wait for the arrow to make the turn. Honking did no good.
  5. sportsed

    sportsed Guest

    Ah, I'm glad you brought that up, Caller. That brings to mind the offshoot of my original question: Are you in the wrong for honking away at these people who don't get that it's a continuous-turn lane?
  6. No, you''re not in the wrong. Like I said, in my situation though, it never seemed to do any good. And, nowadays, with road rage and all, I'd be afraid to lay on the horn when I was stuck behind somebody.
  7. Kritter47

    Kritter47 Member

    A pet peeve of mine is people starting things too early. The soccer SID at my college routinely had the games kick off between 10 and 25 minutes before their scheduled kickoff time and was never consistant with it. It made it hell to figure out when I should leave my dorm, and it caused many last-minute sprints when I heard the strains of the national anthem as I was walking through the parking lot.
  8. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    A new developing pet peeve of mine - old ladies who go to the 7-11 to buy their lottery tickets during high traffic time. the roiutine being getting all of their old tickets checked out, then selecting a handful of new ones, then paying the $16.43 out of their motherfucking change purse. Meanwhile I have drank half my slurpee to beat its melting. If you're old and retired and are going to do that shit, do it at fucking 2:30 in the afternoon, not when the store is busy.
  9. boots

    boots New Member

    co workers who don't say thank you when you say bless you after a sneeze.and co workers who don't wash their hands after a trip to the bathroom, male and female.
  10. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Older brother is Matthew, younger brother is Luke. Guess what my name is (hint: think New Testament). I get extremely pissed when people say "Where's John".

    Like I haven't heard that a thousand billion times.

    You're just so funny. :mad:
  11. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Where is John?
  12. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    Yeah I know I'm dragging this thread out form the depths of the archives, but I figured what the hell, why start a new one.

    Big pet peeve of late. I've lived in apartment buildings for the last 12 years, all of them have an onsite laundry room. Two big pet peeves: 1) Why are there just three washers and dryers for a rather large four story building? 2) people who decide to run three loads of laundry at the same time, tying up all three machines and then proceed to leave their clothes in the machine all day. Assholes. It's not rocket surgery. Throw your laundry in the washing machine. go back to your apartment. watch a half hour show. throw your stuff in the dryer. go back to your apartment and watch two half hour shows or one one hour show. go get your laundry.
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