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bin Laden: Mission Accomplished

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TheSportsPredictor, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. ScribePharisee

    ScribePharisee New Member

    Those people are:

    a) greedy American assholes
    b) greedy multinational assholes
    c) puppets for A and/or B
    d) puppets for Osama bin Laden and his Arab oil pals
    e) Bush/Cheney
    f) puppets for Democrats to create large disapproval ratings for the White House
    g) all of the above
  2. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Actually, a good part of the reason oil is so expensive is that the U.S. dollar has declined in value. And yes, that can partly be attributed to the Bush presidency. It's still a a real stretch from the original premise of this thread. Bush hasn't helped the dollar. He also hasn't single-handedly devalued it. Bush hasn't dictated somehow that American consumers demand cheap goods, and as a result, buy more stuff from the rest of the world than they are buying from us.
  3. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Bush HAS dictated that the government borrow its ass off under his authority.
  4. Grimace

    Grimace Guest

    h) You and me. The American public that gobbled up gas, didn't think twice about a limited supply of oil, kept buying huge frickin' cars, refused to back the necessary public transit and ignored alternative fuels/energy 10 years ago when it would have made a difference.
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    You are correct, Ben. Although I'd point out that the U.S. Congress and Senate has had a wee bit to do with this, as well. We don't spend a penny without them passing the appropriations. Bush doesn't actually hold the credit cards, even if he has quite a bit of say over their use.
  6. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    or North Americans who drive the biggest fucking cars imaginable and can't walk 100 yards
  7. Grimace

    Grimace Guest

    Amen. It's amazing how we blame everyone except ourselves. It's always some greedy oil barron, or a brown-skinned dude in the Middle East or a poli-ti-shun up in D.C.

    Boo hoo.
  8. ScribePharisee

    ScribePharisee New Member

    Excellent. Right. EVERYONE buys huge frickin' cars. That's why Toyota, Nissan and Honda are about to go bankrupt.

    Mass transit could work in metropolitan areas and it should work. It also might make America healthier by walking a few more steps. But it's not feasible in anything other than metropolitan areas due to implementation costs, etc.
  9. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    A veto of something at some point somewhere might have been good early on in his presidency...

    I will also point out that the US dollar will be weak for quite a while in the future due to the excursion into Iraq, which we haven’t attempted to even look at paying for.
  10. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    . . . which can be laid wholly at the feet at the Douches In Charge.

    What, Congress is supposed to turn down fiscal requests in this area?
  11. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    This is funny:

  12. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    Say hello to the biggest fucking jihadist in the world ...
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