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Birmingham, Mobile and Huntsville to publish three days a week

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by alanpagerules, May 24, 2012.

  1. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Been there. Ain't your fault, mate. Keep your head up.

    That noise you hear is the giant sucking sound of Alabama Media Group.

    Just think.... some poor sap has to endure these people as bosses AND deal with Nick Saban on an almost daily basis.
  2. Fran Curci

    Fran Curci Well-Known Member

    I don't think you have to worry much about "Knight-Ritter" at this point.
  3. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Fine. But someone has yet to show how online-only models make a profit, either.

    Yeah, you can always cut, cut, cut. Just like what we do as individuals when our income declines. At some point, you just close up shop and call it a day.
  4. Pencil Dick

    Pencil Dick Member


    Got an email about this today from a friend in Alabama. Apparently the surviving braintrust in Huntsville is throwing a downtown cocktail party for all survivors and recent hires (at lower salaries, of course) next Tuesday to celebrate the new company's start.

    This event is being held 5 days BEFORE dozens of longtime employees lose their jobs. Sept. 30 is the last day of daily publication.

    As I told someone this afternoon: "Who's handling PR for this outfit, Mitt Romney's campaign staff?"

    Nothing surprises me anymore.
  5. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Honestly, that sounds like the scenario for a mass shooting.
  6. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    The Huntsville crew sent a staffer to New York a few weeks ago for some kind of gala event with Anderson Cooper.

    Journalists being fired and one of the 'survivors,' as PD termed it, is yukking it up in the Big Apple on the company dime. Now, a cocktail party during the final week for many laid-off staffers.

    The money spigot must not be at a supposed trickle anymore.
  7. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Recruiter emailed wanting to know if I would consider moving from Idaho to Birmingham for a part-time job. Uh, no. Are they even paying attention?
  8. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    A good time will be had by all. Trust me.
  9. Fran Curci

    Fran Curci Well-Known Member

    Does Huntsville still have its own editor or did he/she get demoted to bureau chief?
  10. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    The former editor is now in AMG management in Birmingham and worked a deal for AMG to provide him with a furnished apartment there. He commutes from Huntsville because his wife didn't want to move. They didn't offer that deal to another former Huntsville but-now-AMG-manager and she had to sell her condo.

    No, they are not.

    Huntsville contacted at least eight former desk staffers because they laid off all their staff and paginators 6-8 weeks before this weekend's move to 3-day publication. Former staffers were asked if they would like to come work part-time for a few weeks. Only one agreed.
  11. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    For me, Knight-Ritter was best during the big crossover between "Too Close for Comfort" and "Three's Company."
  12. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    UAB beat writer Steve Irvine being replaced by Drew Champlin from Dothan, who is charged with covering "UAB and others." Sorry Blazer fans, he'll try to catch a practice after getting back from Troy, UNA, Samford or wherever.

    And in the world of the truly bizzare, a fan board thread thanking a sports writer.

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