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Black Monday - Is this the worst day for print journalism?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by mustangj17, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. This is the artist formerly known as PaseanaARG.

    I have missed some of you! :-*

    I did want to chastise Ryan Sonner for this gem: "Do we need a thread telling us JUST how bad it is? "

    Yes. We do. Where else can we go to cry on a shoulder? Who else understands?

    It's a shitty situation. Let people deal with it in ways that provide some satisfaction.
  2. FreddiePatek

    FreddiePatek Active Member

    I have no idea what the dollar figure is on this, but what if the government bailed out the industry's debt? Compared to how much it has thrown at the car companies, the AIGs, etc., the cost would be a drop in the bucket.

    It wouldn't solve the death spiral of the printed product, but it might help buy time for newspapers to transform themselves to a 21st century model without hemorrhaging all their employees.
  3. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Sonner, the reason I don't mind this thread -- well, until it became a pissing match ::) -- is precisely because I don't want to click on a dozen threads to read bad news and immerse myself in all that misery. Which will probably start all over again tomorrow. It's too much for me. It makes me numb.

    I clicked on the first post in this thread, found out exactly what's happening to Lexington, Ann Arbor, the other Michigan papers, etc., without having to read the 3 or 5 or 12 pages on each thread about all those places.

    Too much misery. Compile it in one place and it's easier to take. For me anyway.

    Maybe one can quibble with the thread title or something, but I'm perfectly fine with a compilation of all the bad news in this thread.
  4. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    So here's your thread. Have at it.
  5. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Again. Here's your thread. Have at it.
  6. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    yeah, mrs. shockey agrees we should take a day in each of the last 10 months of the year to contain the bleeding. :-[

    mustang, i'd love to just say "eff it" and hurt the company more (not that those bean-counters give a spit) by taking two of my prime-time weeks off but there is NO WAY we could afford to do that in our paycheck-to-paycheck world. :(
  7. Oh, don't lie down now. Keep fighting people about how they want to deal with their anxiety!
  8. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Not fighting it. I presented my views. Others presented theirs. That's kind of the way the world works. Lots of things have changed since you've been gone.
  9. I like your quote there at the bottom. Applicable?
  10. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    Buck, that's part of the reason I made this thread. To completely consolidate. Maybe I can create a weekly total and message it over to the mods to be stickied.

    In any case, I will try to update this thread today, and then the rest of the damage from this week I will add at the bottom of the original post.
  11. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Are you serious, dude? Really?
  12. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    This thread is not ending well.
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