Well put, DD. I'm still not sure Knight should be raked over the coals for this one, but you put the raking crowd's opinion in pretty coherent intelligence there. I still don't think what Knight did was a "slap," but whatever.
DD - I'm OK with it. My father's pretty pissed, though, and he's coming back from the dead to kick yer ass, hoser!
Clarification required: The rape comment was in response to a Connie Chung question regarding his treatment by the media. "If rape is inevitable, you might as well lay back and enjoy it." An idiotic analogy, to be sure. But far from a "ha-ha" joke. The whip was a gift from his players. He was pictured jokingly wielding it against three of his players, one of whom was a white guy. Not an apologist. I respect his coaching, and am amused at this latest incident; the man never learns. And it is fitting that he has to coach out the string of his career in a hoops backwater like Texas Tech rather than a legenadry place like Indiana. But it is also important for one's facts to be straight when ripping or praising a man. Especially when bandying about words like "sociopath." I just happen to think he's an asshole. No need for further diagnosis.
Well, there are some hairsplitting there. The rape comment is what passes for a joke among sociopaths.
Let's make one thing very clear. Any coach who has gotten a DUI has endangered people in a more serious manner than Bobby Knight ever has.