If you haven't seen the video, we've got it. Just a feeling, but ESPN does not want him to break Dean Smith's record. Knight is getting the treatment from everyone at the network, and it's only a matter of time before Texas Tech is forced to step in and do something. What exactly, I'm not sure.
He's a sociopath. Always has been. Slap him down, hard, right now because it can only get worse. And it absolutely will.
Well, sure he's crazy. We've known that for 15 years. He's served his punishment and has -- as far as I can tell -- cleaned up his act a little.
Dean Smith doesn't want him to break Dean Smith's record. Nor does John Wooden. And put me in Fenian's corner on this one. Knight knows exactly what he's doing when he does it, and he (thinks he) can get away with it because Gerald Myers is in his corner.
He is about 10 feet away from an assault-with-a-deadly complaint when he fired the vase over his secretary's head. He has physically assaulted his own players at TWO schools now, and he probably did it at Army, too, before anyone was watching. He has attacked fans and/or civilians on at least two occasions. He has made "ha-ha-" jokes about rape and about whipping his black players. He's not someone standing athwart the permissive society or whatever the hell trope it is now that gets the cultural-warriors through the night. He's a sociopath, and he will do something worse.
Why wouldn't ESPN want him to break the record? They must have a pretty good relationship with Knight, seeing as how they did that reality show with him last year.
Believe me, I am not an apologist for Mr. Knight, nor his defender, but the tape I saw didn't indicate anything horrible. My old high school football coach did more than that, grabbing our helmets and making sure we looked him in the eye as he talked to us. There are many things you can rip Knight for, but this was merely a blip on the resume. Not that big of a deal.
Had the kid looked him in the eyes, Knight wouldn't have needed to do what he did. What's the difference between this, and slapping a kid's ass after he's done something great? He's the General. And what do generals do? By god, they get results.
Call me the minority, but I would certainly feel comfortable sending my son to college to play basketball for Bob Knight. I say that, and the No. 1 reason why is that he teaches respect. With that being said, he has done a ton of disrespectful things himself. I guess I'm 50/50 on him, but I don't think he's a monster or bully. I think he has a temper issue, no more, not less.