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Bucket list of places to visit

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Gehrig

    Gehrig Active Member

  2. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    Cuba, South Africa, Australia, Machu Picchu, Greece, Morocco, London, Spain, Portugal and Rio.
  3. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

  4. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    Maine? That's a weird one.
  5. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I DO love lobster. But no.
  6. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    1. Israel (hopefully in 2012)
    2. Germany/Switzerland/Austria (one of my life goals is a picnic in the Swiss Alps)
    3. France
    4. Tanzania (esp. Ngorongoro crater/conservation area)
    5. UK (esp. Ireland and Scotland)
  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Bhutan and Nepal
    Vail - in the summer
  8. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    1. Istanbul (most notably for the Hagia Sophia)
    2. Rome
    3. L'Anse aux Meadows (first Viking settlement in North America)
    4. Iceland
    5. Sweden
    6. Cuba
    7. Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  9. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat, Kyoto, Bhutan, the Taj Mahal, Rome, Paris, Vienna, the Maldives (other than Male), Vladivostok/Moscow (take the Trans-Siberian Railway in winter) ... that's a good start.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    It's not all it's cracked up to be.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I like this list.
  12. Cyrus

    Cyrus Member

    As in right now?

    Buenos Aires
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