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Budget talks: This is getting nasty

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by printdust, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    I have no idea if you're black, but if you are, the username fits.
  2. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Oh, so if I am black you will see me differently, huh? That's awesome. Is that your world view?
  3. printdust

    printdust New Member

    We're implying racism through nicknames? I bet if I changed mine to Malcolm X, no one would call me a racist. Not among left-wing hypocrites who bathe in double-standards.
  4. vicd

    vicd Active Member

    No, it's not possible for anything on "Fresh Price of Bel Aire" to be funny.
  5. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    COME ON, VIC!!!! It really was an underrated show. Plus, my three-year-old will actually watch it. So I can either watch the Fresh Prince or Dora, Diego or one of any number of that kind of pap.
  6. vicd

    vicd Active Member

    Gotcha. Understandable. I know more about Dragon Ball Z than I'm willing to admit.
  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    It's a direct cause-and-relationship effect.

    I work with some hardcore teabag types (as well as a few of my late parents' friends) and they were just absolutely fuming in the days leading up to Obama's inauguration with all the predictions of a massive multicultural, gender-mixed, and more than anything else, YOUNG, crowd, all pushing to move the country forward, descending on Washington for the ceremonies. "Maybe it'll rain," they kept pissing. They just walked around the office muttering into their chins.

    Well, it didn't, and of course there was indeed a massive crowd of over a million for the inauguration with wall-to-wall media coverage. For most of a couple days there was all the talk about hope and a historic change for the nation.

    And the teabaggers-to-be continued to fume, with their teakettles building up to full whistle.

    "We'll show those (choose one or all) (n***ers) (f***ots)(bulld*kes) (ki**es) (lesb**s) (towelheads) (sp**cks) (welfare moochers) (eggheads) (liberal commie pinkos) (young punk whippersnappers) who's really running this country. We're going to take it back and put them back in their place."

    That essentially is the Teabagger Pledge. That's the reason they exist.

    All that shit about taxes? Ginned up by Faux Fascist Noise and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in the rest of the MSM (including of course wingnut shriek radio) with the constant "the scary black guy is gonna tax you back to the stone age" drumbeat.
  8. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Cuz it's the same old story, same old song and dance my friend.
  9. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Rick Perry to the rescue.....
  10. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Ah yes, a C-minus-student bible-beater. That's who we need to straighten things out.
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    If only he were as intellectual and successful as you ...
  12. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Well, you left-wingers should be given credit for one thing. You told Obama after the election of 08 to ramrod his agenda, and hard, in his first two years. Instead, he let Congress be Congress, and now, both of them are soft wussies. You had the right idea for your agenda, but your main man was missing the guts. Now you'll collectively pay.
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