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Budget talks: This is getting nasty

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by printdust, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Eric Posner & Adrian Vermeule in the Times:

  2. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Cantor is politics' example of the backup quarterback who looks great on the sideline in a nice clean uniform while the starter is getting the shit beat out of him but sucks it up even worse when he has to actually get in the game.
  3. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

  4. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Maybe you should ask your lib buddy to cut it out as well. You are so friggin short-sighted it's funny. I asked him to stop, he refused. So there it is. Talk to him, not me.
  5. sportsguydave

    sportsguydave Active Member

    What are you, like 12? "He started it. WAHHHHH!!"

    Grow up.
  6. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Was not sure where to put this since it ties together NFL and deficit discussion, but either way Jeff Mcgregor nails it in his ESPN commentary.

  7. BrianGriffin

    BrianGriffin Active Member

    I've been waiting for that column to be churned out. Nobody wants to compromise any more.
  8. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Carlton is just our own local illustration of what's happening throughout the Tea Party/Birther Movement. They lost their Kenya fantasy, they had to choke on it when we got bin Laden (the sympathy for bin Laden's civil rights was an especially nice touch), the general populace has woken up to their act in places like Wisconsin, and now the whole country gets to see who in Congress is trying and who is being a foot-stomping baby.

    This is not the revolution they were promised, and they are lashing out.
  9. BrianGriffin

    BrianGriffin Active Member

    Good at ranting, bad at making sure the basis for the rants are based on, you know, facts.
  10. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    The hilarious part is where it was said I had concern for bin Laden's rights. I wish the would have gutted him like a pig in broad daylight in front of the busiest mosque in Afghanistan. But if it fits the narrative, sure, go ahead and say I was worried about bin Laden's rights.

    Here is what you all are really saying/thinking...he doesn't worship at the church of Obama, so we have to say none of his arguments are based on facts and/or he is lashing out. Funny stuff. Meanwhile, your Messiah's approval ratings are sinking, sinking, sinking. You should probably quit being so defensive, open your eyes and realize you were sold a bill of goods by an unqualified, narcissistic, oversensitive partisan teleprompter reader who makes an ass out of himself every time he has to speak extemporaneously. 42% boys...but keep hope alive. Keep playing the blame game.

    YF was right. Everyone on here is talking about how it is both sides that have to reach some kind of compromise...but the venom being thrown at the Republicans, while the Democrats are all dear, sweet and innocent, is very telling. Keep trying, boys, but the country is not buying your crap. November 2012 is going to be quite fun. I can see it now, all the "the election was stolen" rants from the left. With ACORN, Project Vote and other organizations around who's sole purpose is to commit voter fraud to help Democrats I can't wait to hear the hooting and hollering. Please, please make sure to be on here on election night. Save the date. Should be a blast.
  11. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    This allegation of voter fraud by ACORN is troubling and has me quite concerned for the validity of our democratic elections. Can you kindly point me to a link which outlines this voter fraud perpetrated by this ACORN you speak of?
  12. BrianGriffin

    BrianGriffin Active Member

    Who's an Obama fan? I wasn't a huge supporter, but every argument is judged on its own merits. And when you are dealing with people who are so invested in seeing a particular man fail, it's hard not to come to his defense when the arguments are so absurd. Off the top of my head on this thread, I've had to defend him against these criticisms that have no merit:

    -- He did not ignore the budget commission, as you accused (although if I were him I would have first come out with a more aggressive partisan plan to set the goalposts for the negotiation...you don't start at the center with people who won't budge from their extreme, otherwise you are where he is).

    -- He is not being inconsistent and two-faced to be against not raising the debt limit now when he was for leaving the debt ceiling where it was in the late 90s. Different circumstances, different approaches. You might like the running game, but you don't run on third-and-20.

    -- He is correct to observe that we have a revenue problem as much or more as we have a spending problem, contrary to the criticism of the other side.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting some, probably many.

    There are plenty of things I can be critical with him about, most of hit having to do with his obsession with being this great compromiser and not getting down and dirty a bit. Clinton was a great compromiser but you can bet that after some of the negotiations, he had some blood under the nails. I don't get that sense with Obama. I don't think he's a tough enough hombre for the position he's in.

    But here's the thing: One has to defend him against criticisms that are so absurd, they keep you from ever getting to the legitimate criticisms of him. For chrissakes, you still have to argue with people who think he shouldn't be legally qualified to be president. You get arguments built on just flat-ass wrong premises. Great arguments, if only the premises were right.
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