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Bush Meets Deficit Commitment- Early

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Boom_70, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    It may be a reach to say SDI did in the Soviets, but Reagan's increases in our defense spending did lead to similar increases in Moscow, and those were increases the Soviet economy just couldn't handle.
  2. I think it was more likely that getting bogged down in Afghanistan had more to do with blowing up a command economy than anything else did.
    And Your Holiness knows that he's playing a little jiggery-pokery with the California 50th results. The relevant comparison is not Busby '06 to Kerry '04, but Busby '06 to Busby '04, and the R's lost about 13 points off that one.
  3. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    For all the perepheral reasons why communism collapsed, don't forget the obvious one.

    It was a bad system. That it lasted more than 70 years without collapsing is surprising enough.
  4. Don't tell that to Fenian.

    He's still believes.
  5. And if you can find anything on any one of my posts, ever, that bears witness to what you say, I promise to show you where the apostrophe is supposed to go.

    Lack of support for conservative fantasts=communism.
    Yes, it's baby's First Book Of McCarthyism.
  6. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member

    Of course she is going to do better compared to 04. Duke Cunningham had yet to be indicted and was flying high. The power of incumbency for a seven-term Congressman (especially one who specializes in defense issues in San Diego, the west coast armed forces hub) is worth 13 points.

    The Kerry percentage accurately reflects the general Rep/Dem breakdown from 2004 in the district and shows how few voters are going from voting GOP to voting Dem.
  7. Ohh - is someone a little touchy on the subject? Did the kids in high school used to tease you by calling you comrade? Pinko? And did you mean if I CAN'T find anything to support you being a communist that you'd show me where to put the apostrophe?

    I do find it amusing that the Language Police is now threatening to tell people where to put their apostrophe's. What's next - will you tell 21 when she's supposed to have a period?

    BTW - did you mean to use the word "fantasts"? Because that means visionary and I don't think that fits the context of what you were trying to say. Are you sure you don't want us to chip in for that dictionary for you?

  8. 1) No.
    2) 21 needs no help from me on anything, thanks. There's more remedial work to be done elsewhere. The analogy's classy. though.
    3) All visionaries are not benign. Please see half the chickenhawk fantasts infesting the administration these days.
  9. You like using the phrase "chickenhawk" - out of curiousity - what branch of the military did you serve in? (I already know the answer but I want to hear you say it.)
  10. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    May 2006 unemployment rate 4.6%
  11. None.
    Exactly the same branch as the people who are sending people to die for their think-tank illusions, and their bloggy cheereleaders who've been wetting themselves since 9/11/01.
  12. Bush served in the National Guard and Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld served in the US Navy (1954-57) as an aviator.

    Are you saying that only military men should be elected to be President from now on? Did you vote for war hero Bob Dole over Bill Clinton?
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