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Bush Meets Deficit Commitment- Early

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Boom_70, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. 1) Bush's service was, well, whimsical at best.
    Against Rumsfeld I will put up the following partial list: Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith. As chickenhawk cheerleaders, I will put up Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Victor Davis Hanson, Sean Hannity, and, well, you.
    2) No.
  2. Your answer to the second part makes you somewhat hypocritical. You do not require the president to have been a military man but hold the fact that Bush did not serve in active service against him? And you voted for draft dodger Bill Clinton who was running against a war hero in Bob Dole. The views you hold are hypocritical and plain stupid.

    Lincoln's military service was mostly cosmetic in the Blackhawk war - was he a chickenhawk in your book too?

    Your hatred of Bush is bizarre. You may be losing control of your faculties.

    And Victor Davis Hanson has several New York Times best sellers to his credit. How many do you have again? And while we are just dragging random names into the argument - Allen Ginsburg did not serve in the military, was against the war in Iraq and was a member of NAMBLA. That's quite a thriple play. Did you know Ginsberg when you were young?
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Lou & FB
    Why don't you two grab a bench in the Boston Common and work this out?
  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Canadian dollar up to $.8977 Usd.
  5. I got hosed when I exchanged $180 Canadian left over from last week. I got $153 US from the Bank of America. I was hosed - eh!
  6. Lincoln served in a war zone - and re-enlisted twice -- and people remember him being there, as opposed to the president's service in Alabama.The only thing I hold against Bush military-wise is that he took the oath and then his active service was, mysteriously, not very active. And I feel reasonably safe in saying that George W. Bush is not Abraham Lincoln.
    VDH is a best-selling chickenhawk. My error. And, of course, by that standard, Michael Moore is an expert sociologist and Mitch Albom, a brilliant psychologist.
    The chickenhawk is someone who openly advocates sending other people to fight his war and then stiffs them on things like body armor and benefits, and then casts aspersions on military men who disagrees with the pet geopolitical theories that get them through the long, trembly nights since 9/11. Presidents do not necessarily have to have served in combat, but they ought to listen with more respect than this one does to the people who have.
    And try to struggle through a single day without fag-baiting. It's classy.
  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Way things are going, it's likely that W will be the prez when the Canadian dollar outranks the greenback.

    Be proud, Fredo.
  8. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    I thought you spent it all at Remington's.
  9. The Canadian dollar is being pushed up primarily because of the cost of energy. The Alberta tar sands are thought to be the largest deposit of oil in the world.

    It wasn't going to stay at 67 cents U.S. forever. But I guess it's one more thing you can pin on Bush, right? I suppose you'll blame him for the zit on your left nut, too.
  10. If there isn't a minor-league team in any sport called the Alberta Tar Sands, there should be, dammit.
    What say you, Lyman. A WCHL franchise. You draft the right wings and I'll draft the left.
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    And I'll take the centres.
  12. Can there be any doubt? Although JR and the centers (spell it right :)), I'm not sure about.

    If we can base it in Medicine Hat, I'm in.
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