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Bush Meets Deficit Commitment- Early

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Boom_70, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Hey, Lou, you got yourself a bodyguard.
  2. Don't need one for an aging hippy igloo-dwelling Marxist like you.

    Although the fact they they know you by face (and other things) at Remingtons does make me uneasy.
  3. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    Considering that Bush and the GOP were essentially at their nadir a few weeks ago, they've had no other direction to go but up.

    But they still have a lot of up to go if they want to hold off Democrats in November.
  4. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member

    How do you figure? Right now, the GOP might be Grandpa Simpson...old, doddering, mean-spirited and weak. But Grandpa Simpson could beat up Hans Moleman.

    Look no farther than the special election in the California 50th. Think about everything that has gone wrong for Bush and the GOP since November 2004. And combine that with the fact that the GOP ran a ex-congressman turned lobbyist for the seat. Yet with all that, there was only a 1% swing from how the Dem candidate did compared to Kerry (2004 -- B 55 K 43; 2006 R 53, K 45). The GOP might be in sorry shape, but the Dems haven't proven they are ready to capitalize.
  5. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Thought I recognized you at the glory hole. :)
  6. JR - that was the best laugh I've had on this site since I returned
  7. Well if anyone knows the proper etiquette of glory holes - I guess it would be you.
  8. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    I don't know Cali politics all that well, but isn't the 50th district in Southern California near Orange County and San Diego? That's a pretty solid conservative and Republican area. A win is always a good thing, but I think all it does is tell the GOP that they still have most of their base.

    The key will come in how much of the swing voters they can maintain across the country.

    I will concede one thing -- the Dems don't have this locked up (then again, who has any election locked up 150 days out?). Anybody remember the 1998 midterms?
  9. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    The Democrats have proven remarkably inept of late when it comes to taking advantage of the Republicans' screwups.

    They're like a bunch of kids fighting to be the leader of the backyard gang. Not only can they not settle on a message or even a semblance of a message, they can't even settle on how they're gonna get the message out. Dean and the sketchy guy running the DCCC and Pelosi have done nothing but bicker among themselves and pull in opposite directions for the past three months.

    Still, with all that said, if they'll just not say anything stupid to run people away, they'll probably take back Congress in the fall.

    The presidency ... that's a different story. They need somebody with some smarts and charisma -- NOW.
  10. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    I don't think they'll take back the House in November. I believe they'll make some gains in both Chambers, but they won't hold the majority in either.
  11. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    I think there's an outside (i.e. slim) chance that they'll take the Senate. No way in hell are they taking the House, too many districts are gerrymandered to be one-party dominate districts anymore.

    I'd put money that they take the Senate seat out here this fall. Burns is dirtier than all get out, and keeps making it worse on himself.
  12. OK, now that we've settled the vital "You asked for sources" question., can we please have a source on SDI's alleged role in bringing down the USSR that ISN'T the guy whose whole career is based on defending that useless boondoggle?
    I have Frances FitzGerald and a lot of old Russians on why they knew SDI didn't work, and why the USSR collapsed from rot within to put up against Ken (Cakewalk) Adelman, who should be spending the rest of his life apologizing to the famiiles of dead US soldiers.
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