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Calling all Star Wars geeks!!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Rosie, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    From Wookieepedia:
    "But the Sarlacc could never hold Fett. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Sarlacc, finding Fett somehow indigestable, "burped" him out, throwing him onto the sand. It was there that he was found by a group of Jawa's who took him to be either a droid or cyborg (they never bothered to scan him, of course) and, doubting he was intelligent, claimed him as their own. They took him into their sandcrawler, fit a restraining bolt on him, and went on their way. He would soon be joined by an old face when the Jawa's stole R2-D2 from a hangar bay in Mos Eisley."
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Was it actual control or just nudging in the right places? I read about that in one of Timothy Zahn's novels. That was also the reason the Empire lost the space battle after the Death Star went down. They still had more firepower than the rebels, who took a beating at the beginning of that attack. They just weren't nearly as effective without the Emperor's influence.
  3. Dude

    Dude Well-Known Member


    Do you think your average storm trooper knows how to install a toilet main?
  4. The second...er, first trilogy was to have been completed and released at a rate of one film per year. Then Lucas was going to do the third trilogy with plans for the ninth chapter to be released on the 30th anniversary of the original release of "Star Wars" which was simply "Star Wars" 29 years ago. "Chapter IV: A New Hope" wasn't added till the film was rereleased once "Empire" was in the works.

    David Lynch was George's first choice to direct "Return of the Jedi" but Lynch had a hard-on to make the disaster that was "Dune." But one has to wonder how different "Jedi" would have been. Ewoks possibly replaced with backwards speaking dwarves?

    The first spin-off novels were released between "Star Wars" and "Empire." Splinter of the Mind's Eye was written by literary sci-fi schlockmeister and ghostwriter extraordinaire Alan Dean Foster. I don't recall if he also penned Han Solo at Star's End. I think that there was another Han Solo novel around that time as well.
  5. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    ADF wrote all three of the Han Solo novels, I believe.
  6. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Everyone who says Clones was superior to Phantom Menace is overlooking a major factor: Darth Maul. He was the second-most badass character in the series (Vader being first) and his lightsaber battle with Qui Gon and Obi Wan was the best swordfight in film history, IMHO.

    The drawbacks were a podrace that was too long and Jar Jar Binks. I think the good outweighed the bad.

    Clones had Christensen whining through most of the movie and the ridiculous love scenes. The major action pieces were the Jedi battle and Yoda/Dooku. Seeing Yoda in action was fun, but it wasn't as good as Maul vs. Qui Gon/Obi Wan. It was cool to see a shitload of Jedi kicking ass, but that scene wasn't as good as the battle on Naboo in Menace.

    Menace was better. Sith was a step or three above both. I read an interview with Lucas where he said that he had the whole story for the three movies in his head, but about 60 percent of the plot was concentrated in Sith. About 20 percent was in Clones and Menace, meaning he had to do some stuff to fill out the films, i.e. the pod race.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I think there are more than three. There's also a trilogy that tells his story from early childhood up until the minute Chewbacca takes him to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. Also explains the history between him and both Chewbacca and Lando as well as how he got the Millenium Falcon.

    Afriend of mine has read most of the novels. She scares me sometimes.
  8. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but that was different from the Han Solo trilogy written by Foster.
  9. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    miss a couple of days and you miss a good star wars geekout...

    star wars
    phantom menace

    pitor and pern make the argument for menace -- which was actually the only one of the new three i didn't walk out of the theater pissed off

    i laughed when anakin's mom died in clones, and got hard stares at the midnight showing (and yeah, went to the midnight showings of all three)

    problem with sith, to me, was just how easily anakin was turned. i was expecting something great -- instead got mcnuggets. tasty in their own right, but no culinary feat. i'd been saying for years that there was no way lucas could fuck up the last one, 'cause we knew the ending was gonna rock. but again, it was edible, but not great (can you tell i'm hungry?)
  10. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Anakin's turn was presented as a gradual thing, over a decade-plus period. The Emperor had his hooks in him before Episode II, and the idea of saving his wife's life was all it took for Anakin to really throw in with the dude. But they were clearly close long before No. III.

    Anakin's mom;s death is another issue I have with Episode II. Watched Episode I again last night (with commentary, hilarious when Mucas notes that for all those who still haven't figured it out, the whole blockade thing was all part of a machination to get Palpatine in as chancellor). That movie ended with so much promise, and then Episode II just felt like a space filler.

    Anyway, the Emperor pulls the strings throughout the prequels, then Anakin's mom just coincidentally dies? Maybe if I was able to separate myself from the fact I knew what was coming (as I did when I saw TPM), it would have been better, but I was looking for some connection between events.

    And I would guess that the "Sifo-Diyas" who ordered the clones was "Sidious".
  11. I have no patience for the "Anakin turned too quickly" crowd, which is, amazingly to me, highly-populated.

    Did you watch the new trilogy? Throughout all three movies there are subtle beginnings to Anakin's end. (His fear as a little boy ... His impatience during his training ... his arrogance ... his anger at his mother's death ... Palpatine's underhanded teachings throughout AOTC and ROTS -- discussed, if never shown -- and on and on and on.)

    Anakin turned too quickly? If Lucas would have drug it out any longer, he would have needed a fourth film.
  12. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    I have to share, at this time, the best scenes from the six movies. We rank the movies, but how about best scenes?

    1. "No Luke. I ... am your father." Who's jaw didn't drop at this news?

    2. Luke vs. Vader, ROTJ. Father vs. Son, Jedi vs. Sith, one on one. Great ending to a great series.

    3. Vader the human becomes Vader the machine from ROTS. The silence in the movie theater when the helmet/mask when onto Christensen's face for the first time was awesome. The circle was complete.

    4. Yoda vs. Dooku. Who knew how much of a bad motherfucker Yoda really was, even at 900 years old?

    5. Obi-Wan vs. Vader, ROTS. The true ending of Anakin as Obi-Wan beats some Sith ass.
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