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Cam Newton thinks female reporter talking routes is 'funny'

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MeanGreenATO, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I’m not a public figure, but I couldn’t agree more. I launched my organization’s first website, built its content operations, started all its (pre-Snapchat) social media platforms. Thankfully, we have younger people who have taken that over these days and I need to bother with it less and less. Someone asked me during a meeting why I hadn’t clicked on some social media promotion we ran the other day and I told him I wouldn’t even be on social media if oversight of it wasn’t part of my responsibilities.

    With that said, I find Twitter a useful news distribution feed and use it that way. Depends who and what you follow and how you interact with the content
  2. Fredrick

    Fredrick Well-Known Member

    Elliotte ... that's cool you want to retire at 55. That's young enough to enjoy life. How are you going to manage that. many of us figure with people to support we gotta at least work driving Uber til 70.
  3. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Twitter offers a lot of diversity of news, opinion, truth and fake news etc. Diversity is good right?
  4. MNgremlin

    MNgremlin Active Member

    So I've been told....
  5. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Diversity doesn't mean adequate representation for both real news and bullshit.
  6. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    It is kind of funny to hear a woman who never ran a route or played a down of football talk about the intricacies of football and ask detailed questions to a football expert. It's not a putdown or an insult it's just unusual and kind of funny.

    Not unlike a 12 year old asking detailed questions about the theory of relativity or a man asking a woman about color hues and textures of beauty products.

    Unusual can be funny.
  7. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    How is it funny?
  8. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Kind of like how watching that old bald guy dance like a maniac in those Six Flags commercials a few yrs back. Unusual, unexpected.

    Do you think it's politically incorrect to laugh at the old guy dancing like that?
  9. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Has every male sports journalist played the sport they cover? Would questions sound "funny" from them?

    You compared a professional journalist to a 12 year old asking a question, you don't think that is demeaning?
  10. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Certainly not every, but a decent amount of broadcast questions come from former players (the Panthers' color guy is a former player). And IIRC the Observer's lead Panthers reporter did play college football. So it can be argued that Cam is "used" to hearing those questions from males and, as such, it doesn't seem "funny".

    Doesn't mean Cam was right to appear so condescending . . . but there is some rationale behind it beyond "he's a sexist jerk."
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Dammit! He didn't compare shit. He used an analogy.
  12. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    I'm an old white guy with a thick Southern accent. I'm sure that on first pass many of my more urbane students think it's "funny" hearing me prattle on about the "non-trivial eigenvectors in the X prime X inverse X X prime matrix". You expect to hear Sheldon Cooper talking about such. Hearing Goober Pyle talking about it is funny.
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