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Can we talk about Imus like adults?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by gingerbread, Apr 11, 2007.

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  1. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    If only you were right about his stable of Washington guests, PC:

    WASHINGTON -- Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain said Monday he stands by radio host Don Imus, who has been suspended for making what his employers called racist comments on the air.
    "He has apologized," McCain said. "He said that he is deeply sorry. I'm a great believer in redemption."
    McCain, whose presidential candidacy has been backed by Imus, said he would still appear on Imus' program.

    I never understood to begin with why people like McCain and Joe Lieberman et al would ever go on the air with Imus and act as if he were some important political pundit. For any of them to continue to do so now is just insane to me.
  2. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    I'm glad to see advertisers taking a stand. I was also glad to see the Rutgers team and coach issue statements. I'm glad they didn't hide behind the school's media relations department or issue a false statement of "we're ignoring him". Hearing from the players and the coach was essential in boosting their credibility and sending Imus further down the hole.
  3. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    There's been a request to merge this with the old one which, I locked up. All of these posts would obviously stay in order, and I could even keep this title. Thoughts?
  4. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Let's leave the vitriol of the old thread locked. We're working on civil discourse here.
  5. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    While it may have been heard by fewer people, you would have to think someone would get hold of it and push it out there on Sportscenter or some other show.

    I hope you're right that the suspension becomes permanent. I never really saw the attraction of his show anyway, but I guess it wasn't aimed at my sort of person.

    As an aside, McCain gets a bad ripple off standing by his man on this one.
  6. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    “It kind of scars us. We grew up in a world where racism exists, and there’s nothing we can do to change that,” said Matee Ajavon, a member of the team. “I think that this has scarred me for life.”

    “All of our accomplishments were lost … we were stripped of this moment by the degrading comments made by Mr. Imus,” said Heather Zurich, a sophomore forward.

    C. Vivian Stringer criticized Imus for “racist and sexist remarks that are deplorable, despicable, abominable and unconscionable”

    Good for the girls and Stringer. Although some here wanted them to come out and say it wasn't a big deal, I'm glad to see them take a stand against his comments and do it in such a dignified way, completely opposite of his orginal remarks.
  7. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I posted this on the now-locked thread, but I think it's apropos here. Apologies to all if it's a case of me pointing out the obvious.

    On WFAN today, Mike Francesa and Chris Russo spent four hours talking about Imus' suspension, what kind of person Imus is, what awards Imus has received along with racism and sexism in America. Russo repeatedly noted that he and his family were mocked by Imus but they laughed it off, understanding that Imus' comments were meant in jest. Francesa said that two weeks off of the radio and television show was more than an adequate punishment.

    I began to wonder what if Imus called Russo's family "guineas." Or if he called Francesa a "fat wop." Would it still be funny? Would it be okay because Don Imus has won awards for broadcasting?

    Most disturbing to me was that Russo and Francesa tried to discuss race and sex in America. I don't think that they were the proper people to discuss black and white, male and female roles in our society. They're two wealthy white males from Connecticut and Long Island. How can they say they understand the problems facing black men and black women in America today?
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I occasionally use the term "son of a whore" and I was told by some that it was more offensive than "son of a bitch." But I never really thought of it that way, it was a term I was using to keep from cursing so much.
    I still think saying son of a whore is better than f***ity f***ing f***.
    But besides that, some words you can say on the radio, some words you can't. Calling black female basketball players "nappy-headed hos" will get you in trouble every time.
    The thing about Imus is that he has a pattern of doing this, but now he gets called on it. Seems strange. In an e-mail FAIR laid it out pretty well.
    And I'd like to add McCain's name to the last paragraph since he said he supports Imus as well.
  9. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Here here to a respected veteran of the board.
  10. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I can see why the other thread was locked--but there are some good thoughts on it too, and the bad junk is just going to spill over here anyway. Just seems like it's the same subject--why make people repeat themselves?
  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Oh, and John McCain just lost my respect on both threads.
  12. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    There are plenty of others who will no longer do the Imus show. Publishers have suggested they don't want their clients selling their books on Imus. I wonder if Maureen Dowd will go on?

    And don't diminish the force of a grass roots effort: NOW and all sorts of women's groups were picketing Imus' studio today. It was nice to see the Black Women for Something getting all chummy with Jewish Women for Whatever. (Making up the names, obviously, but it was a very chummy and organized scene.) A guy who advertises on Imus said he was pulling his ads at his girlfriend's behest; she's black, he said, and she was about to go picket. Don't underestimate the power of the voice.
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