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Can we talk about Imus like adults?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by gingerbread, Apr 11, 2007.

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  1. boots

    boots New Member

    Which backs my earlier statement.
  2. swenk

    swenk Member

    I saw the Oprah appearance this morning (in Chicago we are blessed with April blizzards and Oprah at 9 am daily).

    It was brief--maybe five minutes--and featured Stringer surrounded by her players, via live feed. Stringer spoke, Essence Carson spoke, and Oprah said she was 'proud to spell my name w-o-m-a-n.' The audience cheered.

    If someone really wants to be outraged, how about Mrs. Imus, whose book is being published this week; she and her publisher cancelled the publicity tour, which included appearances on Martha Stewart and The View.
  3. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    You make some good points -- I think Oprah should have the Duke team on, too. The Duke team did get to do 60 Minutes, not a small thing. And the 60 Minutes piece was VERY favorable toward them.

    I don't think Imus's show is "irrelevant," unfortunately. Millions and millions of dollars in ad money was being spent on that show - so somebody was listening/watching.

    I think both the Duke case and the Imus case are very interesting "case studies" in popular culture, public opinion and race relations. Both have gotten a dialogue going, and I don't see that as a bad thing.
  4. boots

    boots New Member

    She only has to turn over in the bed and look at the skeleton she married and be pissed. Besides, she only married him for the money, fame and name recognition.
  5. Rough Mix

    Rough Mix Guest

    Les Moonves and Imus are in a box. As Luggie said, millions are in play here.
  6. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    God I hate when I agree with boots. Thank God J_D is here.
  7. boots

    boots New Member

    Don't hate yourself. I only speak the truth. I know of three things that rise to the top, cream, shit and the truth.
  8. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    In the spirit of trying to keep this thread from degenerating again, I'll stay out of that wide-open door, right there...

    EDIT: I will say this: There's absolutely nothing you could do to make me hate myself.
  9. boots

    boots New Member

    Cool. I'll just be happy when Imus and his minstrel show goes to satillite where it belongs.
  10. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Just play like charmion and you'll fine. :D
  11. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I have no Idea why she she married him, but I'm convinced that she ruined his show.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Stuart Scott weighs in Imus vs. rappers use of "ho" on Mike & Mike this morning.

    Seems Scott believes rappers "mean it in an affectionate way."

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