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Cat and Dog fight on the view....

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by slappy4428, May 23, 2007.

  1. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Bring back Stand Up Spotlight!!!
  2. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Hey guys,

    Why read about it when you can see the whole thing Villa style!

    Here is Chris Matthews & crew ripping Rosie, who is catfighting Elizabeth & ripping troops & JDV serves it all up Villa style.

    For the wrestling fans out there we call this a news/talk promo!

    One take, no notes, no edits & sweet as hell!

    What do you all think of Rosie now?

  3. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member


    That is FUCKING AWESOME!!!

    Vil-la army! Vil-la army! Vil-la army!

    (OK seriously. I didn't watch any of it. The words "JDV" and "Youtube" hurt my brain.)
  4. MartinEnigmatica

    MartinEnigmatica Active Member

    Well, I see what's going on in here.
    I am smack dab in the middle of a good old-fashioned cat fight.
  5. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Bubbler, I love the rally chant!

    Seriously, you need to watch it it is entertaining as hell - some of my better work.

    Also, I have a cool FF2 new trailer up with Jessica Alba (that alone is worth the click)

    Scope em out & then let me know what's up
  6. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Dude I'm still trying to master the surreal weirdness that is your NBA videos.

    Your outfit in that video? Damn. You look like a neo-Turkish Greco-Roman wrestler who lost something in the translation when trying to dress like peak period Run DMC. Your street cred is indeed high ... in Ankara.
  7. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Hell yes, it only gets better bubbler - it only gets better!

    Watch & enjoy the Rosie punkfest!
  8. stan_solo

    stan_solo New Member

    Elisabeth doesn't deserve to be the cat in this fight. That bitch is a dog all the way. We'd never claim her.

  9. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    Screw Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
    I lost all respect for the Hasselbeck clan when listening to her sister-in-law's terrible chunky soup commercials...
    and her brother in law's terrible quarterbacking of the Seahawks.
  10. stan_solo

    stan_solo New Member

    I spit in Elisabeth's direction and raise my tail to her!
  11. MartinEnigmatica

    MartinEnigmatica Active Member

    This is not groundbreaking news, but Rosie O'Donnell is such an idiot it's unfathomable. It's like she wants to have the impact of Oprah without guests, her own show, or a book club. And oh Christ, that Web site. She's one of these people who thinks they're saying something profound without really saying anything at all. The poetry really puts it on full display:

    "a split screen
    new heights
    or lows
    depending on who u ask

    is this kelli
    no rosie
    well hello it is betsy
    i saw the view today
    and wanted to call u
    and just say hi and i hope u r ok

    betsy and i chatted
    i thanked her
    fed the geese
    put on amy winehouse

    always loud
    the soul shakes
    the heart awake"

    The mind totally shut down by this lunacy - fourth grade sissy pansy bullshit. As a poet, I'm offended. Is this supposed to confer some emotion?
    As a speaker of the English language, I'm offended. It's a bad diary entry. I was surprised when so many people got fooled by The Secret, as propelled by Oprah. But I'm just dumbfounded that Rosie O'Donnell has been giving as big an outlet for her expression as she has. Because her version of expression, and her ideas, are an obvious crock of shit. Hey, I know she's not really seen as an arbiter of reason - though if she is, I urge whoever believes that puts a screwdriver in his or her ear and tightens everything up.
    Even pointing out how dumb she is seems to be a tremendous waste of time.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Stunned how much play this got on cable news, but someone said the reason its such a big deal is that The View is the only place outside of Sunday morning news shows, where Iraq is being debated on the broadcast networks. Gotta give Liz style points for the finger and the neck thing ( she must have learned that from Alicia on Survivor: Outback) Rosie loses points for suddenly playing the victim. 10-9 Hasselback. I feel sorry for Liz's husband...
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