Excellent. Kudos to Tim. I always liked turning around, scowling and muttering "This IS a working pressbox." Bastards.
"No cheering in the press box" is a guideline designed for the media. It's to protect objectivity. Why was it such a bad thing that these Clemson workers cheered in the press box? They're working for the school and obviously partisan. They're Clemson fans and not pretending to be anything else. Bourrett had no duty, at least from a moral/ethical standpoint, to kick them out. Maybe the school decides creating a quiet workplace for the media during games is in its best interest. It very well could be. An unhappy media is more likely to write negative stories, so there is incentive to keeping the media happy. But why must schools follow the reporters' code of no cheering in the press box? It's not the schools' code. If a school wants to allow cheering in its press box, fine. If it doesn't, fine. From the SID's perspective, why should reporters dictate the policy?
1. Because you want to run a professional operation. 2. Because sometimes you're going to be in someone else's press box and you would like the same courtesy. 3. Because emotional inhibition will eventually inevitably lead to the cheerer showing his or her ass.
These structures are barely "press boxes" anymore, but I would think most SIDs and their staff, including spotters and stats crew and the rest of the assemblage, still want a professional work environment.