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Cheering in the Clemson pressbox

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Magnum, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    It's the school district's press box, so the people in charge of that make the rules. So is it against policy? Is it something you can do something about? No.

    It's still wrong. If you set aside a place for people to work, and there are thousands of places nearby for people to cheer, then save the workplace for the workers and let the rest cheer elsewhere.
  2. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    A guy dressing badly does not affect my ability to work. A guy screaming for his team to tackle that bum does.
  3. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    Which is why I've acknowledged that cheering in a high school press box is different. You expect less professionalism because there usually is no SID and the people working are usually volunteers. It's annoying and it isn't right, but most reporters can and do live with it. The Clemson thing, which was the point of this thread, is a completely different issue. High school press boxes only got introduced into the debate when it became clear anybody arguing in favor of cheering in a college press box was dead wrong.
  4. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    Which brings us back to the larger point, why does a school/team/whoever runs the press box have a duty to provide ideal work conditions for you? It's certainly nice that they do, and it might even be in their best interest. But if they decide it's not, reporters have no ground to demand there be no cheering in the press box.
  5. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    Why isn't it "right"?
  6. waterytart

    waterytart Active Member

    Adam/Skip was at least intermittently entertaining.
  7. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    Jesus, we're going in circles here. One more time, if you sign up to work a game the right thing to do is work and not cheer, which not only distracts everyone else working, could very well distract you too. I don't know how many times I've seen a high school scoreboard operator forget to stop the clock because he was still complaining about a referees call or boasting about the play before.

    And the school, doesn't have a duty to sports writers, but they have a duty to fans and boosters to help their teams get covered and covered as well as possible. And, like I said, if I'm covering a game it's not just ideal working conditions for me, it's also for their own people and visiting employees from the other school and conference officials and those pro scouts who might help their players get into the NFL, etc.
  8. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    Clearly, in that situation, the AD wouldn't be setting it aside as a place only to work.
  9. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    You know what I'm missing as I move into curmudgeonhood? And Dan, I'm really not much knocking you as lamenting the continued loss of ... something.

    I miss the days where more things were done simply "because," because that's the way it's done in this world, and that's what professional and polite behavior is, and you didn't need a lawyer or a writ or a debate to explain why. Just "because."

    This is one of those. You don't cheer in professional (meaning professionally run) press boxes because it's a work area and that's the way it is, or should be, and that should be enough. But of course these days, it no longer is.

    I guess I am taking you on a bit Dan, simply to say: It isn't "right" because it isn't, and really, it should be that simple.
  10. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    I think imagining the high school example will eliminate a lot of the periphery points that aren't at the heart of what I'm talking about. Would you really not cover a high school if it allowed cheering in the press box?
  11. lcjjdnh

    lcjjdnh Well-Known Member

    But isn't this sort of thinking precisely what is wrong with the newspaper business? We do things because that's the way we've always done things rather than questioning the premises on which they are based. Perhaps this is a relatively simple example not worth arguing about, but you seem to recognize this problems in other areas--for example, the whole gamer vs. column debate. If this board is any indication, too many people in this business want to appeal to authority rather than sound logic and reasoning. Troubling for a business whose job is partially to challenge The Power That Be.
  12. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    That's an interesting response considering you advocated for allowing beat writers to include opinion and analysis in their articles. I'd guess, based on my experience pushing the same thing, you ran into a lot of rejection to that idea based simply on "because."

    I'm not a fan of doing something just "because." A lot of rules in journalism are based on sound reasoning that is relevant today. Some aren't. I think we'd all be better off trying to explore which rules are worth preserving and which aren't.
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