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Cheering in the Clemson pressbox

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Magnum, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Dude, you know what we're missing here, ending posts with dawg.
  2. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    I heard a few years back about lots of cheering in Nebraska press box. True?

    (There's a good joke there, too. I'll let someone else have it.)
  3. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Wrong? That's in the eye of the beholder. Though by now you know where the beholders on this forum stand.

    My question is, why the hell would a school possibly need a more boisterous press box? There's no place else in a stadium for cheering? And if you say the boosters or that ilk, give them their own luxury suite or sideline passes or whatever. I've never understood WHY someone who isn't working would want to spend extended time in a press box. After a few minutes, they're really not that interesting. And in more and more stadiums, they're not even great seats.
  4. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    We have a problem with a big Catholic school that rents the city stadium and feels it can control the "press box" during its games. Our writers have had trouble securing seats in the "press box." Sometimes they show up 90 minutes before kickoff and put a reserved sign on a seat or two if the columnist goes, and later gone back and found their reserve signs taken away.
    I told our prep editor once to do this: Very loudly say "Excuse me, everyone here in the 'PRESS BOX,' how many of you work in a building that has a 'PRESS?' " Then he should raise his hand and see what kind of reaction he gets. Might not help, but it would be funny.
    And I wish Feldman would quit his inane argument so Moddy won't need to kick out another poster this week.
  5. That 1 Guy

    That 1 Guy Member

    Somebody should find the guy cheering and ask him for his autograph.

    I know in both the Iowa and Iowa State press boxes they come over the speaker before the game to say there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHEERING in the press box.
  6. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    My general question is, why do the beholders in this forum -- mostly journalists -- feel the need to force their industry's ethical guidelines on people in another field in a place they have now power? People act like it's an affront to justice if there's cheering in the press box.

    And to your question, maybe if press boxes had different vibes, boosters would want to spend more time there. I have no idea whether that would benefit schools, but that's up to schools -- not reporters -- to decide.
  7. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    High schools
  8. Dan Feldman

    Dan Feldman Member

    What is the school's arrangement for the stadium? Does the school rent the entire stadium, including the press box?
  9. lcjjdnh

    lcjjdnh Well-Known Member

    Of course there are degrees. But the vitriol directed at Dan for challenging one of these "just because"(s) seems emblematic of the larger failure of the majority of the profession to challenge other ones. It's low-cost signaling: people convince themselves they're good journalists for upholding "ethics" like this without bothering themselves with examining the larger problems in the industry. It's telling-to me, at least-that this thread has reached four pages with people ganging up on Dan without adding much, if any, worthwhile commentary, while many threads where other substantive issues are being discussed* receive little attention.

    * Well, that's a nice term for what's going on.
  10. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

  11. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Dan, those high schools have SIDs?
  12. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    This thread went from idiotic and slightly annoying to completely absurd.
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