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Chevy Volt a Failure - GM to Layoff 1,300

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), Mar 2, 2012.

  1. murphyc

    murphyc Well-Known Member

    Has anyone else been following the story about ignition issues with the Chevy Cobalt/Pontiac G5? In short, the cars would turn off (GM blamed drivers for having heavy keychains and for driving offroad) while at speed, in turn preventing airbags from deploying. Several deaths were linked to this problem, leading to a recall.
    Turns out, GM knew of the problem nearly 10 years ago when the Cobalt was launched. Recall now expanded.

    I don't see this ending well for GM, especially if the mainstream media picks up on it.
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Who to believe, the professors of SJ...or a WSJ columnist?

    "I wish I had a share of Tesla for every time someone said don't buy Tesla..."

  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I don't give a shit what shares you buy, and I certainly have never told anyone not to buy, hold (or trade) Tesla shares. I said *I* have no interest in buying and holding shares of a company that has no earnings and is trading at a valuation that insane. I'd sooner buy a gallon of milk for $500 based on some nebulous potential that it is going to be something other than a gallon of milk at some point in time.

    If you think Tesla stock is a good value, knock yourself out putting all of your savings into it. In fact, I kind of urge you to. PLEASE tell me that your reasoning is the same as what I just read in that link. ... That the fundamentals don't matter. i.e. -- "There is a basic miracle at work here."

    Good luck with your miracle, if that is your reasoning.

    But are you really such an angry message board guy that everything I post is worthy of your same stupidity?

    What I have posted about Tesla isn't that novel. It is one of the most shorted stocks traded -- by professors and dipships on message boards alike. The short stake is about a quarter of the shares outstanding. I would imagine most of the big hedge funds are staying out of the way of its momentum -- momentum that *I* think is based on hype, i.e. miracle talk. But not all. Doug Kass at Fortress has been out publicly telling everyone he is short Tesla. Hopefully he has deep pockets to ride out a lot more insanity. I know I don't. If you actually read what I have posted before you rushed to post, you would have seen me say *I* would personally never short it because momentum very well may carry it to a price way beyond anything I'd imagine. It already has.

    If it makes you feel better, I am officially on here saying you should spend YOUR money any way you want. Paper your living room with Tesla stock certificates. You have my blessing. I have never told you -- or anyone else -- not to buy Tesla stock. Aside from investing in it, with the right kind of momentum trading strategy, obviously there have been people making a lot of money TRADING Tesla stock. In fact, I wish I had.

    As a buy and hold? Again, knock yourself out if you think there is good value in Tesla shares at this price level. I think you're nuts, if you are really putting your money to use that way, and actually believe there is value. I think there is no fundamental basis for the stock to be trading where it is -- nevermind where it was at 3 months ago. Disagree if you want -- and tell why. Is it because there is a miracle going on?

    But you're just acting like an angry dip with your same old "professor" crap. I didn't post anything that isn't pretty conventional. John Lovallo at Merrill Lynch, for example, has a price target of $65 a share on the stock, and a sell rating, which is notable, because when a company is passing out investment banking business the way Tesla is, the analysts on the sell side will say nothing rather than what they really think-- because they don't want to jeopardize the investment banking business.

    The stock is trading at valuations that anyone has to make reaches at to suggest a fundamental reason for it. For example, miracle talk, such as what you posted. Personally, miracle talk just makes me think of pets.com circa 1999. If I am wrong, well, I'll just sit out this one out to be safe. Your link gave absolutely nothing explaining an approximately $30 billion market valuation.

    And again, for what it is worth, If you personally have fundamental reasons for owning Tesla stock as a buy and hold, go ahead and load up on it with my blessing. If you care to respond to my actual posts, rather than coming back with your usual stupidity, maybe you'll tell us why it is fundamentally a good value in your opinion. Hopefully you draw attention to something more than a miracle.
  4. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    No, because he hasn't figured out how to be paid by the word yet.
  5. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    His editors deserve a pay increase.
  6. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Seriously? That's your standard? One friggin' million dollars? Sheesh ...
  7. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Channeling Dr. Evil speakng to the United Nations.
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Yup. I am long winded on here. I cop.

    I suppose I could just opt for short, stupid, dishonest posts, that aren't so wordy. Maybe "TigerVols (actually, avoid your username and call you some asinine name ... because I am a 3-year-old) told everyone to mortgage their homes and load up on Tesla stock!! Look, he's a "professor" because he has an opinion on a message board and actually tries to explain himself." *giggle giggle*

    Give us something substantive, Tiger. Be as wordy or brief as you want. Tell us how much Tesla stock you loaded up on and at what price, since you are so bullish on the shares at this valuation. Since you aren't trading it, but like it so much as an investment, please share with us the future earnings growth you foresaw when you looked at the financial statement and evaluated the company's strategy, and tell us what execution problems it would it take for you to divest of your investment because it isn't meeting your expectations.

    I'd actually be interested in that.
  9. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    It's a fucking message board, not an economic forum. Don't give out assignments if you don't think you're a professor. And for chrissakes, don't take everything so seriously.
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Seriously? You troll me around the board -- you resurrected this thread to do a post that put words in my mouth. And when I was dumb enough to respond. ... it's "Don't be so serious"?

    The point was if the gist of your stupidity was going to be to ignore what I have posted and pretend that I told everyone "don't buy Tesla stock," then clearly "TigerVols is telling everyone to mortgage their homes and load up on Tesla shares."

    Since that is what you are saying (same as me ever telling anyone not to buy Tesla shares), I was asking you to tell us why. I didn't think I was giving you an assignment. You revived this thread to tell us that Tesla is a screaming buy at this price, in your opinion. Is it really an assignment for you to give us your reasoning?
  11. murphyc

    murphyc Well-Known Member

  12. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Yeah, GM's got a lot of 'splainin' to do. NHTSA was already on the case, a congressional committee announced it's going to hold hearings and there are reports DOJ is investigating and considering criminal charges.

    So, Mary Barra, how's the new job going?
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