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Chevy Volt a Failure - GM to Layoff 1,300

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), Mar 2, 2012.

  1. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    The mileage thing gets tricky as a replacement for gas tax if you don’t have a way to account for out of state drivers.
  2. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

  3. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I've paid $20,000+ for a car one time. And that was in 1989. Melted a cylinder the night of the O.J. chase and missed the whole thing.

  4. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member

    In 1985, a Ford Crown Victoria cost between 12 and $14,000. That’s gonna be about $35,000 today , and you would’ve been damn lucky to get 100,000 good miles out of that crown Victoria.

    A new Acura TLX is going to run you about $50-$55,000, but you’re going to get 200,000 miles out of it very easily. So, the TLX should cost twice as much as the Crown Victoria. I have no problem with cars costing more because they are much better.

    in 1985, you never dreamed of owning a car 10-12 years and now it’s common place.
    Hermes likes this.
  5. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    If I only got 200k out of an Acura, I’d be pissed.
    wicked and Scout like this.
  6. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    I drove my Civic to the junkyard with 320,000. The electrical system was going funky after 14 years, but the drivetrain would’ve been good for another 50,000.
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    You drive 22,800 miles a year? Dayum.
  8. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the sticks! Where everything takes an hour to get to!

    As a reporter right out of college, I once logged 40,000 in a year between reporting, trips back home to my family who lived three hours north and a girlfriend who lived an hour south.

    People in cities have no idea how far we have to drive to even get to a Target.
    wicked, dixiehack, Scout and 5 others like this.
  9. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    This always struck me as odd on their part, because most of the market for an F-150 isn't buying them for utility or practicality. It's different than even, say, the electric Porsche and BMW folks, that want a drive that'll rip.
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    G.M. Profits Hurt by Unsold Electric Vehicles and Strike

    G.M. has also pared its electric vehicle ambitions. At one time, G.M. expected to produce 400,000 electric vehicles by the middle of 2024, but consumers have not flocked to battery-powered cars as fast as auto executives expected.

    The company dropped that production target last year and has delayed the introduction of some new electric models it has been developing. Last month, it told dealers to stop selling the electric version of the Chevy Blazer until G.M. engineers could fix a software issue that could cause certain features of the sport utility vehicle to stop working.

    In the fourth quarter, G.M. sold more than 19,000 electric vehicles, but most were Bolts, which are no longer being produced and used an older battery technology. Only about a third of the electric vehicles that were sold used the newer battery packs produced at a factory in Ohio that G.M. owns in a joint venture with LG.

    Mr. Jacobson said that G.M. had “a lot of demand” for its electric vehicles, but that it was being cautious about building more vehicles than customers were ready to buy. “We feel good about where we are,” he said.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

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