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Chick-fil-A PR goes Rogue

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Jul 26, 2012.

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  1. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member


    It's why we're so reactionary...and why lawyers love this country.

    We're so easily offended...calling everything proper in PC land when a good chunk of it these days is said or done with no evil intent whatsoever.
  2. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    This ultimately leads to the destruction of the First Amendment.
  3. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    That's all great. But I have plenty of choices as to where I can purchase a chicken sandwich and it's certainly not going to be at Chik-Fil-A. It's a company that will not have me for a customer.
  4. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    People expressing disagreement by choosing to spend their money elsewhere leads to the destruction of the First Amendment?

    I see we have another Facebook Constitutional scholar in our midst.
  5. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    No, it actually is good First Amendment exercise.
    It's the portion of the sides that want to silence the other side.
    Let's face it. Since we're talking about gays being the target....let's take gay marriage. Got it's momentum from a legal issue relating to hospital visitation rights. Arising from that is the ultimate desire for universally accepted (Ok, nationally accepted) gay marriage. In between those two issues are legal provisions for partners involving but not exclusive to civil unions. But you have some on both sides of this hotly contested debate that are of an all-or-nothing approach and, if they had their rathers, would cast the other out as hellbound on one hand (or in secular terms as late as the 70s wasn't it, labeled victims of a psychological disorder until that was repealed by the APA) and homophobic bigots guility of a hate crime on the other.

    But like in so many political issues today, we're incapable as a nation of walking in that middle ground.
  6. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Au contraire.

    There was an entire discussion of specks and logs and all kinds of other shit. Everything we DO in our life is about choices. You can't fight everything, you can't win everything. You have to pick the things that matter to you.
  7. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I'm not really sure you know what the First Amendment is.
  8. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    I know what it's turned in to. A growing number of people who want to label oppositions to certain causes as hate speech.
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty New Member

    for those of us boycotting CFA, gay marriage is a huge issue and the CFA owner is throwing monstrous dollars to take a shit on civil rights while acting like a smug prick in doing so. on the flip side, i/we could give two shits if he donates a few thousand dollars to the local pop warner football team because the two don't balance out.

    your post reminds me quite a bit of the ridiculous "waitress logic" that was used on a different thread.
  10. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but what "civil rights" are we talking about here? The right to marry? Is that a federal law yet? How many states have it? What civil right is he taking a shit on?
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty New Member

    what civil rights were being taken away in the 1950s and '60s, champ?
    ever hear the civil rights movement called, ya know, the civil rights movement? was it federal law then?
    holy christ.
  12. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    If I recall, blacks weren't protected by laws, either. I guess they shouldn't have been so "uppity" in demanding they get access to the same facilties whites did.
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