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Choose a side: Al Qaida declares war on France

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by poindexter, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to prove. "I'm sophisticated. I chop olives."

    God, you're a miserable prick.

    So, you old, feeble, mentally challenged and pathetic man, I'm headed out now for the evening and thus will end our discussion.

    Hope you're still alive tomorrow; can't take 'em for granted any more at your age, right? Assuming you don't croak in your sleep, I'll catch up on all your oh-so-witty retorts then.
  2. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    yep....Kokanee, thank you.
  3. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Let me state this for the record: The Boston Beer Company does not produce swill and it certainly doesn't mass-produce beer in the same way that, say, InBev (used to be Interbrew, the company that made Labatt's just another brand folio) does. Samuel Adams Boston Lager is one of the best beers in the world.
  4. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    2muchcoffee is right.........they may sell a lot of beer, but it's in a different league than the big breweries. They win awards from around the world for their quality......

    With that said...their only beer I really like is the "White Ale"
  5. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Labatt's brings back fond memories of college, and I'd like to congratulate our Canadian members for the first official hockeyjack of the new season. I wish I'd been around to take part!
  6. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    JR, I'm not sure if there's ever been such a thing as a good Canadian prime minister. Wilfrid Laurier, maybe?

    The Attack sell well but there are always good seats available, especially during the regular season. If you're up for a road trip, I'll be pleased to serve as your host for the evening.

    Labatt's rules and so does hockey. Game on!
  7. Molson, LaBatts and Sam Adams?

    Fuck that shit. PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!

  8. "Now she's gone, and I'm alone.
    Too late I finally see.
    What made Milwaukee famous
    has made a loser out of me."
  9. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    What hockeyjack? All I see is a beerjack.

    Good work, SportsJournalists.commers! Hoist one in salute to yourselves! [​IMG]
  10. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Ah, Jerry Lee Lewis. His late '60s-early '70s country output was even better than his early rock stuff.
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Well, Sir John A. for starters. Created the country while he drank copious amounts of Scotch.

    Mike Pearson was the epitome of public service.

    Trudeau--best PM since Pearson.
  12. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    The PMs I've known in my lifetime:

    Trudeau -- A rich, cowardly, opportunistic and arrogant SOB who hid out during WW2 so he wouldn't have to fight, then invoked the War Measures Act as PM and pretended to be a tough guy. He accelerated Canada's downward spiral that had been going on since the end of the war, treated everyone like they were beneath him and generally gave us nothing other than his own inflated sense of self-importance.

    Clark, Turner, Campbell -- None of these losers did anything to distinguish themselves during their short tenures, but did plenty to show why they didn't deserve any more time in the PMO than what they got.

    Mulroney -- Another rich bastard from Quebec who is primarily responsible for the centralization of power in the PMO's office, something that has turned Parliament into an absolute joke. Became Ronald Reagan's favourite toady and fucked us over with a free-trade agreement that has grown into the bane of Canadian industry and ensured our economy would suffer a recession in the early 1990s. Left office with a deserved reputation as one of the most hated men in the country.

    Chretien -- A bureaucrat's wet dream who took arrogance and entitlement to a new low, lying to and cheating Canadians at every imaginable opportunity and creating those kinds of opportunities where none previously existed. We're still waiting for the GST to be repealed like he promised it would be. He engineered the sponsorship scandal, approved the gun registry and, as a bilingual illiterate, embarrassed the country internationally. He deserves a special place in hell.

    Martin -- Our equivalent of GWB in that he spent so much time and energy obtaining the leadership of the country that he had no fucking clue what to do with it once he got it. Fortunately for Canadians, there are such things as minority governments, meaning he's already been consigned to history, and good riddance to him. His greatest misdeeds in the finance ministry were engineering the elimination of the federal deficit by downloading onto provincial governments and slashing the transfer payments to provinces, then bragging about it like it were something to be proud of.

    Harper - A "reformed" Reformer who has continued to centralize power in a most alarming way while provoking poor relations with the media. Showed the ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth by criticizing Belinda Stronach's defection while encouraging David Emerson to make a similar move in the Conservatives' direction. Gave a cabinet post to an appointed senator rather than to a duly elected MP. Has made missteps regarding the deaths of soldiers in Afghanistan and has announced further participation in the war despite what most Canadians feel about it.
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