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Choose a side: Al Qaida declares war on France

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by poindexter, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Yeah and that Thomas Jefferson was a chickenhawk. He never wore a uniform and yet he led the call for the war.
  2. lono

    lono Active Member

    I took this course when I was a freshman at Podunk U: Revisionist History 101.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Be real, JR. This isn't about America trying to make France suck its dick. And this isn't about "Fredo's Little Adventure." The French are against anything America does. They don't make principled value judgments. They are one of the most unprincipled countries in the developed world.

    After Libya bombed that German disco in 1986 and Reagan ordered an airstrike against Qaddafi, who was it who made the American planes fly 1,000 miles out of the way, causing them to have to refuel and making them more vulnerable? That wasn't America trying to make the world suck its dick. Just about everyone else in the world was on board. Yet, the country that SHOULD be one of our closest allies wasn't. Why was that? As I said, the crap started right after WWII. There wasn't much of a "thank you," before De Gaulle immediately started bitching about everything.
  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Let's do some math.

    1.7 million German soldiers were killed out of 11 million.

    1.4 French were killed out of 7.5 million combatants .

    You can figure percentages, can't you?

    And as far as the U.S. in WW1 is concerned their entry may have been the tipping point but it wasn't "absolutely responsible for victory" There were, you know, sorta other countries involved.

    And no, this thread is not about French military incompetence.
  5. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    So cute.

    You got a lot of Michael Spinks in you.
  6. Don't make me come up to Toronto and kick your ass.
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member


    Lots of countries are "against everything America does". France isn't an exception.

    And I don't think you should bring "principled value judgements" into a discussion of international politics.

    And as far as De Gaulle is concerned, he led the Free French during WW2.

    The Brits supported De Gaulle while the Americans recognized Vichy France.

    So where does the "thank you" part come in?
  8. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Blue Goose.
    You buy.
  9. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    I was buying bagels today...and like a typical Jew the owner tried to shortchange me.

    That's an ignorant statement right? I see no difference in my statement and NDubs, except I don't actually believe what I said.

    and anyone that uses the Parisians as their example of a typical Frenchman, is as ignorant as NDub. You think Americans don't like Parisians, ask any French person 50 miles outside of Paris what they think of them...smug would be kind.

    Also......I've asked many, many French (people in their 60's) about Jerry Lewis, and why he was so popular.......most have no idea who I'm referring too, and when I tell them that people in the States are made to believe he's some sort of comedy genius in France, they think I'm making it up and playing a joke on them.

    As for their military abilities, or lack there of, I certainly won't defend them...but they have no obligation to cowtow to whatever the United States think is best for the United States. They're a proud people, sometimes to a fault, very similar to we Americans....I respect that they have the backbone to make a decision, knowing that decision won't go over well in the States. And believe me, I was pissed they didn't back the Iraq War plan.

    I often hear, "We love America, and Americans...but right now we don't like your Government". More Americans need to be able to seperate the two.

    As for Les Resistance.....Yvonne Oddon is my wife's great Aunt.....she was sent to Aushwitz, after she watched the Germans executed her fiancee.

    An example of an early form of organized resistance was the so-called Musée de l'Homme (Museum of Mankind) network which was formed in Paris in August 1940 by a group of academics that included Boris Vildé, Anatole Lewitsky, Pierre Walter and Yvonne Oddon. They wrote resistance tracts and magazines (e.g. Résistance) and set up links with the British. The publications were important in developing the network and disseminating information to other networks and to more and more French people. The arrest and deaths of key members of the group in March and April 1941 led to its demise but not before they had passed on to the British information that was to prove useful in their attack on the German naval base in Saint Nazaire in March 1942.
    Like the Musée de l'Homme network, other groups emerged around prominent individuals: military figures like General Cochet or Captain Frenay, academics and intellectuals like Jean Cassou in Paris or Pierre-Henri Teitgen in Montpellier, active Communist party members like Charles Tillon in Bordeaux and priests like Father Fessard or Father Chaillet in Lyon (Kedward: 1985 p.48).
  10. You don't pull the mask off that ole Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Ashy Larry (or his French wife).

    It should be recalled that Larry Bird (praise be his name) was from FRENCH Lick.

    I will now bow out of this argument and plot my revenge on JR (who still foolishly asserts that he can beat me at Golden Tee).
  11. Oh and Buck is a Communist
  12. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Don't waste your time with these mouth-breathing Deliverance extras.
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