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Choose a side: Al Qaida declares war on France

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by poindexter, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    The country the United States is today, is because of France.
    Their efforts and help in the Revolutionary War tipped the balance. A few years later, the Louisiana Purchase defined American geography. They helped us, we helped them. Just as simple as that.
    So France doesn't like what the U.S. government is doing now. I don't like what the American government is doing now either.
  2. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Aside from all of the arguments about WWI and WWII, my question is this for those who think the French owe us some sort of dumb ass debt ... when is the debt due? It's fucking over 50 years since WWII ended. When do those who think the rest of the world needs to perpetually suck our dicks let it go?

    And let's not forget that freeing western Europe helped us nearly as much as it helped them. Had we stood by in isolationist manner and let the Germans take over Europe, it would have been to our economic disadvantage.

    Our role as a superpower was never more in the balance than it was in 1939, we are fortunate in a way, that sitting it out for two years didn't lead to serious consequences. For that, it is the U.S. who should be thanking both the British and Russians, because had they not held the Nazis off, our economic and power structure would have been threatened.

    Eventually inaction would have led to an attack on own shores, probably from Japan, which was planning as much late in the war via biological warfare they had already "tested" in the Chinese theatre.

    Inaction was not an option, our survival was just as paramount as Europe's was, so its a little bit naive to couch our role in WWI or WWII as some freedom-fighting force of good selflessly ready to rid the world of evil, even though in the end, that was the end result for some parts of the world.

    It was in our interests to free France, it's not like we were doing them a selfless favor or anything, so I'm not sure why they need to kiss our asses in perpetuity.

    And speaking of which, wouldn't you resent someone just a tad if they were demanding that you kiss their ass on a regular basis?
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    I got used to it eventually... I was two years out of college,...
  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Probably not but I'll kick your sorry Republican ass at 8 ball, OK?
  5. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Batman, good post.

    I'm isolating one part of it for a reason.

    I never said that the US entry in WW1 was a small part. Never.

    They were an integral part of the victory. That's all.

    It's late. I'll get back to you, OK?
  6. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    One thing I've never been able to figure out, and it's bothered me for years.

    Why was France given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council in 1945? Does anyone know?
  7. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    Maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems that some of you actually believe that the French owe us something, that they're supposed to shut up and follow us into whatever crazy ass predicament we create and they're never supposed to question our intentions or our actions.

    So, I guess that means that we ran the Nazis out of France and restored their freedoms, but we never thought the French would actually use any of those freedoms.
  8. pallister

    pallister Guest

    The more I read on SportsJournalists.com, the more I realize that America isn't so special after all. What was I thinking?
  9. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Same reason the Soviet Union was. Pretty basic world history. All the Allies got a permanent seat. Why should France have been treated any differently?
  10. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Sorta like the U.S. federal government promised certain freedoms and rights back in the late 1700s but begrudges regular U.S. citizens who attempt to exercise those rights and freedoms?

    All the Allies got a permanent seat? Maybe this is just national pride showing through but, at the end of the war, Canada had the fourth largest armed forces in the world (including the third largest navy). Canada also had the third largest contingent of Allied forces at Normandy and in the European theatre. On a per capita basis, only the Soviet Union had more of its citizens in uniform.

    But no permanent seat for Canada on the Security Council. I was just curious as to why France got one instead.
  11. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    (gulp) ... That's probably because the Canadian forces were considered a wing of the British forces. Right or wrong, that was the perception. And even so, Canada's political clout at the time was damn near minimal.
  12. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    That I can believe considering the fucking wacko we had running the government pretty much unchallenged from 1921 to 1948.
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