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Clemens Finally Sues

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Pete Incaviglia, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Thanks for the clarification.
    I coulda done with a little less Rusty (Clemens' lawyer) today ... he sure seemed as though he were giving his opening arguments.
  2. KoM

    KoM Member

    All this is ever going to be is a he-said, he-said. Without a positive drug test (smoking gun), where is the proof?

    I also wonder why so many in our profession are so quick to accept the word of some cat we've never heard of.

    Do I think Roger Clemens took PEDs? There's a good chance of it. Not because it's Roger Clemens but because of the era. My opinion has nothing to do with the Mitchell Report.

    But I'm also from the school of giving someone the official benefit of the doubt until someone produces hard evidence. One guy's word vs. another is not evidence. How would all these national columnists like it if someone said they plagiarized a guy, "now prove you didn't."

    Oh, I also thought the phone call sounded staged. As soon as I heard it, that was the first thing that came to mind.
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Brian McNamee isn't exactly "some cat we never heard of."

    Clemens made a major stink in NY to get the Yankees to put him on their training staff after MLB banned personal trainers from the clubhouse. The Yankees conceded. Just as the Jays had put him on their training staff when Clemens was there.
    Gee, I wonder why he needed McNamee in the lockerrom with him?
  4. BB Bobcat

    BB Bobcat Active Member

    In short, this is why I believe McNamee...

    1. Clemens had been suspected of using steroids for years, long before this came out. His career trajectory matches very closely with Barry Bonds.

    2. McNamee had to tell the truth to avoid going to jail. If the government really just wanted him to implicate Clements, true or not, then Clemens ought to be going after the government, not McNamee. It just doesn't make sense that McNamee would make all this up, especially in light of the fact that Pettitte admitted what he said about him was true.
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    the putz thinks we're fiddles.
  6. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    This whole thing has been absolutely unbelievable.

    I have no idea who the fuck Clemens' lawyers think they are, but they are absolutely burying their client.

    The phone call was unbelievably stupid. Put it this way: if we're to believe Roger Clemens, a man who has to whom he has been greatly loyal, whom he has helped out time and time again, whom he treated "like family" blindsides him with perhaps the worst allegation you can make about an athlete.

    There's no way in hell ANYBODY who is actually innocent and in that situation talks the way Roger did on that phone call.

    An innocent person: "Mack, what the fuck were you thinking? You know I've never taken steroids. You know I'd never even think about it. You know all that shit you said was completely, 100 percent bullshit. Why the fuck did you do it?"


    By the way, there were several lengthy sections beeped out. I find it hard to believe those were curse word-filled soliliquies.
  7. KoM

    KoM Member

    I have never head of McNamee until the Mitchell Report. I have done interviews with Clemens. Does that make me an expert? Not in the absolute least. Any time I've spoken with him, PEDs never came up. I asked baseball questions.

    I also said I wouldn't be shocked by any proof one way or the other.

    I just think there has been a lot of knee jerk reaction, especially from the national columnists just to hear themselves.
  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    somebody sold the drugs. and, like any other drug dealer, i bet he'll sing like celine-fucking-dion at a toronto blue jays game if his balls are put to the fire.

    the key is finding him.
  9. markvid

    markvid Guest

    About the long beeps, I think those were deleted reference to where people live.
  10. PHINJ

    PHINJ Active Member

    On Fox, they didn't bleep it. There were about 10 "fucks" or "fucking" on the tape. It was unbelievable they didn't bleep it.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Listening to the entire phone conversation yesterday, it sounded to me like something off of the Sopranos. I couldn't help but think that both Clemens and McNamee were dancing around the most obvious issue: If McNamee recanted, said that he 'd lied and went to jail, Clemens would then take care of McNamee's family, including McNamee's dying son.

    Didn't that seem like a possibility to anyone else? I mena, I know it's a silly conspiracy theory, but the whole thing begins with an email from McNamee to Clemens saying, "My son Brian is dying." Clemens takes the call from McNamee, then the first thing McNamee talks about is his son dying. Clemens says, "That's why I reached out to you. I don't like to hear that." Throughout the entire thing, McNamee keeps talking about how he doesn't know what to do about his family, and Clemens keeps responding with "I just want someone to tell the truth at this press conference."

    It was a like a poorly written conversation between Tony and some flunkie with Silvio listening in on Tony's end.

    If McNamee does withdraw his story and go to jail, I'd bet like hell that Clemens quietly picks up Brian McNamee Jr's medical costs.
  12. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    If this was not a staged call, this is just despicable conduct.

    What I've read, Clemens called McNamee to supposedly talk about McNamee's sick son. Under that premise/opening to McNamee, he secretly tapes McNamee (with his attorney's listening) hoping for some admission? Awful.

    Then to parade that conversation to the public? Even worse.
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