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Clerks II - Are you gonna see it?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Seabasket, Jul 21, 2006.


Will you go see Clerks II?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Never saw the first one; no interest

  1. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    While I liked Clerks, I won't see this one.
  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I'm going to check it out tonight ... which is saying something, seeing as I haven't seen a movie in the theaters since Star Wars Episode III.
  3. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    definitely see "chasing amy." it's tremendous. don't waste your time on "jersey girl."

    as for "clerks 2," if rosario's in it, count me in. 8) 8) 8)

    p.s. -- the best thing of smith's i've seen of late was his tour speaking at colleges. terrific stuff. they show it on starz occasionally. ;D ;D ;D
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    No one could blame you for that, my son. Many simply ripped out their eyes.
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Definitely. I was firmly in the "this is a bad idea" camp when I heard about it, but the previews look good and Kevin Smith souinds like the one non-asshole in Hollywood (unlike, say, M. Night Shamalaamamadingdong). Hopefully it won't suck.
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    From what I've seen of the reviews, the only reason not to see it is if you have some horrible aversion to donkey sex. Fair enough, I suppose. :eek:
  7. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    All I have to say is, you can't be any worse than "Jersey Girl"

    Kevin Smith back to his roots, rock on Silent Bob.
    I will make a double feature out of "Clerks II" and "Lady In The Water" tomorrow
  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I've heard Jay's Buffalo Bill tribute is one of the funniest and most disturbing scenes ever...

    I can't see it til Monday, but I can't wait...
  9. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Saw it today. Thought it was good, not great.

    It took a bit to get going, but it ended being a good mix of funny and a (tiny bit) thought provoking with a little splash of heart.

    Nothing will ever come close to the first Clerks, but this seemed like a natural and fitting progression of the characters. And I enjoyed the rhythm of Smith's dialogue that was missing in Jersey Girl.

    Rosario Dawson is wonderful in both the role and to look at. Hard not to love the scene with her dancing.
  10. DENNY

    DENNY Guest

    I saw it this afternoon and I second this review.
  11. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I heard that, too. Me and the fiancee will see it Monday night.

    Like BYH, I thought it sounded like a bad idea when I first heard the news, but would see it anyway. But ever since I saw the commercial, then the VH1 behind-the-scenes special, I can't wait to see it.
  12. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    Will someone please explain why it's not in black and white? I maybe would have seen it in the theatres if it were shot with the same equipment as the first ... what would have been wrong with that? I'll probably wait for the DVD. I still haven't seen theater-quality stuff like X-Men and Superman.
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