And don't drive like MY brother. This sucks...I cured many hangovers on the weekends listening to those guys while I worked at the NPR station in college.
I honestly missed out on this for YEARS before stumbling on it one weekend a couple years ago. Instantly became obsessed. Just so easily amusing, while also being informational. It was a great show. Still is, I guess, for a little bit longer.
I always thought it was cool they stayed loyal to public radio. Couldn't they have raked in the cash syndicating with Clear Channel's AM stations? It seems like they have enough appeal. They draw in listeners who would never otherwise listen to public radio.
When it comes to working on my own car, I don't go any further than changing the wiper blades. But I never miss that show. Good job, guys!
I am the same way. I will put in gas and a quart of oil and that is the extent of my car knowledge. But I will listen to these guys for the entire hour on a Saturday.
Pray tell...what year? Pretty wide swath you are swinging with that comment. They have been the same goofy twosome I have listened to since 1994. I don't notice a difference between a 1996 show and one from last week.
And for a $500 pledge today, you can get a coffee mug from some other show not nearly as many people hear.
Best thing on NPR. Huge, huge loss. And didja ever notice that so many of the women who called in sounded really exotic and cool?
I read a story (not on the link I believe) that NPR is going to run "best of" shows with all the material...they will be set for 8 years. So it's not leaving for the time being...hell, it might outlast NPR at this point.
The past few years they start giggling at themselves before they've actually said anything that is funny, and their schtick became stale and predictable.