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Column italics

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by 0-fer, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    We have a number of writers. If they're not breaking news, all they write are columns. Their picture is on each one. It will surprise no one who has been around the business any length of time that we get countless e-mails regularly telling our writers to start being more objective and stop interjecting their opinions into their work.
  2. 0-fer

    0-fer Member

    Thanks much for all the advice. I've looked over the paper a couple of times and it looks like the columns are ragged-right, so with the picture that seems adequate. I definitely appreciate all the info.
  3. moonlight

    moonlight Member

    And occasionally, a reader will offer some information and say "I think you could put that in your next column," even if you don't write columns.
  4. reformedhack

    reformedhack Well-Known Member

    And half the people who know what a column is will, invariably, call it a "col-yum" ...
  5. I've been out at bars after work days in which I've written stories about murders or car crashes or the weather. If people ask me what my job is, I tell them; if they ask me what I write about, I tell them what I did that day; and when they leave, they'll inevitably say, "I'll look for your column tomorrow morning!"
  6. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    My mom's the exact opposite. She loved Chuck Culpepper and I'd told her he wrote columns. So for the longest time, she told me she loved my "column" on whatever I had written.

    Not sure I've ever written a column in my life.
  7. And when you write an article, they'll call it a column. Had that happen to me today.
  8. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    I agree. All opinion should be ragged-right.
  9. jlee

    jlee Well-Known Member

    Has there ever been any attempt at creating a more defined "opinion" section in sports, like what you find in section A or local sections? Naturally, there's loads of problems associated with this, but I'm just curious.
  10. times38

    times38 Member

    heck, it took me a year and a half to finally be able to notice it.
  11. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    You're the observant type, huh?
  12. times38

    times38 Member

    heh, once I finally was able to tell the difference I was pretty embarassed that I couldn't before.
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