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Columnist opening in Orlando

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by thebiglead, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. look, the post is dumb enough to be scoop's, but i don't believe it is. it's just someone trying to bait folks into taking shots at jemele. ignore it.
  2. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    Wright Thompson has one more year's worth of beat writing experience ( covering LSU for the New Orleans Times-Picayune) than Scoop Jackson will EVER have.
  3. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    You know, it's a funny paradox -- when we get into a thread like this, it brings out both absolutely the worst and the best of some on this board.
  4. SEWnSO

    SEWnSO Member

    So, back to the thread title.
    Is there a possibility of an opening?
    Are the "too many chiefs" gonna hire another columnist? Within? Without?
  5. Beach_Bum

    Beach_Bum Member

    This Jemele Hill-bashing is really sad.

    I think Jemele is good and going to get better. Great for her. I think she will be wildly successful.
  6. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    ... well, this could help pay for a new server and salt away enough for maintenance and the like for a few years ...
  7. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    Agreed. I've never understood what is gained when bashing another sportswriter on this board.
  8. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    If that is Scoop, he needs to be corrected, possibly with a sharpened belt buckle.
  9. mkaufman

    mkaufman Member

    Michelle Kaufman of the Miami Herald here, chiming in...I knew Jamele when she was a high school clerk at the Detroit Free Press and I was a veteran staffer. I can tell you, from first-hand experience, that this woman is sharp, a hard worker, ambitious, talented, and easy to get along with..so much so that when I came to the Herald, I told my editors here to jot down her name as a young up-and-comer they should know. The fact that she's a minority is, of course, a bonus because she adds a different perspective. I don't think we should bash her or be jealous. I think there's too much bashing of fellow sportswriters in our field and people get consumed by it, and consumed by who got a radio gig and who got a TV gig, etc...We'd all be much happier if we could focus our energies on finding good stories and reporting and writing them the best we can for whatever readership we have.
    I know that sounds Pollyanna-ish, but that's really how I feel.
    Hope everyone is having a nice week.
  10. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

    Hey, someone has to play devil's advocate. For the sake of objective journalism, which we all practice in our daily lives. :)

    Good luck to Jemele. Good luck to all of those who will now chase down the job she's leaving behind.
  11. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    You're right.

    It is Pollyanna-ish
  12. Slappy: You are a miserable gonad.
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