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Columnist opening in Orlando

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by thebiglead, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    It's been an entertaining 45 minutes, going start to finish here.

    And my overpowering sentiment right now is that every 18- to 21-year-old aspiring for a job in sports journalism should have to do the same thing -- read this thread, start to finish.

    We very well might have less future competition when they're done.
  2. Big_Space

    Big_Space Member

    since someone asked she wrote a column that said Sexton would be better off if it was drugs that caused his problems and not some psychological problems. the family would be better off.

    100% utter bullshit column and her ombudsman ripped her and the Sentinel took the column down.

    she is an utter waste of ink and bytes. Orlando just improved it's paper dramatically. I'm delighted she has left this state.

    read her writing and and your left with only one reason she has gotten any job...and it aint got nothing to do with her prose.

    boo hoo - call me racist, but you know it's true
  3. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    Carrie: your dad is the coolest (assumedly) old guy ever. I hope one day to be so cool.
  4. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Wow. That's a cold, irresponsible and idiotic opinion if your characterization of what she wrote is correct. That's brutal. And including that the family would be better off? I can defend a person's individual style and even the blog stuff. But this? I'm just speechless.

    Notwithstanding the callousness of the statements, they also convey a fundamental lack of understanding of drug usage and abuse. Many if not most instances of drug usage and abuse are the result of underlying psychological problems.

    Patronizing, heartless and ignorant all in one piece? Big Spot, I hope you mischaracterized her column. If not, I'm going to have a hard time rooting for Ms. Hill at this or any other endeavor. I have to look this up for myself before I say anything else on the subject.
  5. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    So much for looking it up. Looks like the Sentinel covered their tracks too well.
  6. Wow...didn't know you had to have psychological problems to smoke a doob or take a hit of A while hanging out at a concert. Quite a bit of our college students must be in serious trouble. If I'm not mistaken, Sexton had just returned from hanging out at Bonnaroo when this incident went down. I'm not saying that it wasn't "Lyme disease" or something else...but they're not serving milk and cookies at Bonnaroo, I'll tell you that much.
  7. deportes

    deportes Member


    the sentinel didn't cover its tracks. you can pull up the column on factiva.com if you have an account.
  8. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

    Who's defining the "standards" here? Are you the arbiter?

    Like language, they're a living, evolving thing that change with every generation.

    A generation ago, it would have been considered beyond rude and an affront to common courtesy to sit next to someone and never even acknowledge their present or tip one's hat, because you have hip-hop blasting in your little bud earphones. It would have been heresy to spell "you", "u". It would have been offensive to even discuss blow jobs in the cavalier way they get talked about here. It would have been extremely bad form to just turn your head away from a conversation – or from a teacher, for that matter, without so much an "excuse me" to answer a phone call or respond to a text. If would have been considered low-class to attend a social event wearing footwear that formerly was only seen at the beach.

    Yet those are all casually accepted social atrocities now. And only a previous generation understands the poor manners involved.
  9. PeteyPirate

    PeteyPirate Guest

    I won't call you racist, but with grammar and punctuation like that I'll take your judgment of another(?) writer with a grain of salt.
  10. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Steering this back toward page 2 for a moment....

    The idea that Page 2 is a collection of inferior or commercially-driven talent is absurd---and a bizarre insult to guys like Tim Keown and Dave Fleming and Chuck Klosterman.

    And Dooley, there's a big difference between standards and style. There are plenty of columnists who write pretty sentences that say absolutely nothing.
  11. deportes

    deportes Member

    none of espn's page 2 writers compare to mr. page 2, t.j. simers.
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Some people here would consider that a compliment to the espn page2 writers.

    But really...why does anyone have to compare to anyone?? Why would you want to?
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