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Columnist opening in Orlando

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by thebiglead, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. That ain't Scoop. It's someone playing a game (I hope).

    The bashing of Jemele is way over the top. Mizzou, she's not the highest profile female sports writer by any stretch. Christine Brennan, Selena Roberts and countless others have a higher platform than the typical Page 2 columnist. That's not a knock on Page 2 or Jemele. It's just reality. Besides Simmons (and he's not a Page 2 columnist), there's no one on Page 2's roster of columnists that Jemele doesn't compare to or have better credentials. Mary Buckheit is a Page 2 columnist. Is she higher profile than Brennan, Roberts or Michelle Kauffman or Candace Buckner (prep columnist at the KC Star)?

    Calm down. Compare Jemele to her colleagues at Page 2. She stacks up quite well.

    Jemele has talent and the willingness to write what's on her mind.

    There has been absolutely no crime committed against Wright Thompson or Rick Maese or anyone. ESPN did exactly what it does.
  2. Del_B_Vista

    Del_B_Vista Active Member

    Three words: Del_B_Vista. Well, that's actually two words and an initial, but you could make it four words by turning the "B" into "Big Bucks." Of course, you should know that "Big Bucks" means I'd need to move comfortably into the mid-five figures salary range.

  3. This thread has gone in so many directions that it's useless without links.
    Oral sex on a blog?
    Lyme disease?
    Whatinhell is going on here?
  4. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Well put, Whitlock. And because you brought up her name, I must add that Candace Buckner has been a great addition in KC.
  5. Oz, I'd honestly like for people to man up and issue some apologies. If someone can find a writer on Page 2 that Jemele doesn't have better credentials than, please let us know.
  6. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I agree... She does stack up well with Scoop...
  7. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Now that's funny
  8. Mizzou, it's ridiculous to compare her to Scoop. You know that.
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I do know that... As much as I do not like Jemele, she is not a disgrace to journalism the way Scoop Jackson is...
  10. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    This will not end well.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    So why should we be angry with Thompson and Maese, Scooper?

  12. I'd like to believe this is a sockpuppet Scoop, and not the real chap. Because, if it is...wow.
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