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Coming soon: the NFL's D.C. Cabs?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Big Circus, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    In the past, CBS has let Nantz do ads for Sony televisions with Peyton Manning.
    Nantz is a joke, and no high priest of disinterestedness.
  2. BNWriter

    BNWriter Active Member

    OK....First of all, I am not accustomed to mis-posting a comment (sorry about that). So here, in the correct thread are my comments on Dungy, Simms, and the Redskins (MODERATORS: Please remove from the other thread. As I say, it was an error where I put it):

    TO THE MODERATORS: If you feel the need to move this to the "D.C. Cabs" Thread, let me know, please. THanks. I post this with the hope the thread will not get locked (And hoping no D-B).....

    CBS' Phil Simms & NBC's Tony Dungy say they purposely will not use the word "Redskins" this season. The original thread was locked. Fox's Troy Aikman said he will continue to use it (Good!!).

    I personally wish the P-C crowd would get a grip. That is the team name. Get over it.


    I understand there are people who are GENUINELY offended, and I understand that, but they should have been complaining sooner (in some cases), but for years it was this nickname and no one said a word. But now, the world does this idiotic P-c business and suddenly, it's wrong. Then there's the patent issue (also a wrong decision).

    Then we also have newspapers who suddenly go high and mighty and won't use the nickname after YEARS --no, make that DECADES of doing so. Get over yourselves. The high and mighty act doesn't work with me.

    I know I have caused some of you to get very angry with this rant, but that wasn't my intention. I just want my opinion about this kind of thing heard and understood (if not appreciated). OK, Gang.....carry on!
  3. Thanks for the input. Your views will tip the balance.
  4. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    If you walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Chief!" you'll probably get roughly the same response as if you called him a Redskin.

    Fair is fair and if Washington gets ripped for its mascot, Kansas City should as well.
  5. BNWriter

    BNWriter Active Member

    Recovering Journalist -- You left out Cleveland and Champaign, IL (Univ. of IL), etc......

    First of all, I wouldn't do anything as foolish as that. But it's the same old bit about no matter how much you try to squeak clean the culture, SOMEBODY will find SOME THING offensive REGARDLESS of how hard you try to eliminate the offensive action.

    Walter Lippmann -- I am entitled to express what many might not want to say, but might feel it. I have no argument with you personally. I just have a real issue with P-C and those who are so P-C that they look foolish trying to put their point across, and try to push a P-C agenda to those who have heard enough of it. That's all I'm saying.
  6. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    I was sticking to the NFL. I think cases could be made either way for the Braves, Indians and a host of college teams. But if the "Redskins" as a nickname is somewhere between 8-10 on the offensive meter, I would think "Chiefs" would be in the 6-7 range.

    For the other teams, I don't think the nickname is offensive, but things like Chief Wahoo and the Tomahawk Chop might not sit too well.
  7. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    You're so smart!

    You're the smartest one here!
  8. Captain_Kirk

    Captain_Kirk Well-Known Member

    The case can certainly be made that the Tomahawk Chop is racially offensive, but there's no debating how annoying and stupid it is.
  9. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    The problem with Atlanta's Chop is it isn't even original.
    Also so very '90s.
    These people would be doing The Wave if they weren't doing The Chop.
  10. BNWriter

    BNWriter Active Member

    He may be old school, but I now know I am not alone, Walter Lippmann. Read On:

    I am sure other former NFLers feel the same way, but being out of limelight, and even those still in too concerned about Reps probably wish this would not change and the controversy would just go away and the P-C crowd would STFU.

    Just sayin'.....
  11. Let's take our cues on race relations from a 74-year-old guy born-and-raised in Western Pennsylvania. Has as much authority regarding race as my late grandfather.
  12. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Is that the Mike Ditka who had William Perry run for a touchdown instead of Walter Payton? Is that the ultimate "blue-collar guy" who was against the NFL union? Is that the Mike Ditka who got credit for leading the Bears to the Super Bowl when it was defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan who made the difference? Is that the Mike Ditka who was so successful with the New Orleans Saints?
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