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Coming soon: the NFL's D.C. Cabs?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Big Circus, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    That's a totally different situation. It's more akin to the Baltimore Ravens -- a new team in an old league town with a new nickname because someone took off with the old one. Anyway, the Bobcats attendance was lousy not because it was called the Bobcats, but because the team for most of its existence has sucked major ass.

    Perhaps there's some warmer feeling that comes back with the Hornets nickname, but that seems like more of a Hail Mary to get some fans back.

    And, by the way, I don't think you can argue that Baltimore has failed to embrace a new nickname.
  2. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

  3. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Jesus Christ is that a terrible analogy.
  4. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I would bet the Packers probably have a longer season ticket waiting list but I don't know for sure. But the point is, yes, I think they lose a ton of value. How much is anyone's guess and my bet is it depends on a ton of factors. Not the least of which are:
    1.) What is the name changed to?
    2.) Is it just a name change or an overall rebranding of the franchise?
    2A.) If it is just a name change, do they repurpose or just get rid of the old logo?
    2B.) Do they embrace or ignore the history of the Redskins when they were named the Redskins (I.E. Do they keep the old name/logo/colors for retro nights or abandon it completely?)
    3.) How quickly, if at all, does the fanbase accept the new name?
    4.) More importantly, how long after the rebranding does it take for the team to find a new non-Redskins based face of the franchise? (I.E. Someone popular with no connection to the past that the team can base their marketing around and get fans on board)
    5.) How long after the rebranding does it take for the team to win enough the garner true support?
    6.) How long after the rebranding does it take the fan base to stop wishing for the old name?
    7.) How does Snyder handle the PR marketing of the switch? If he really does fight it tooth and nail I think it will be a tough sell for him and for the fanbase to accept the change. This is, of course, assuming he remains the owner.
    8.) If Snyder doesn't remain the owner, or is forced to sell the team, how does the fan base embrace the new owner? How does he handle the PR movement of the rebranding?
    9.) What do current players say about the change after it happens?
    10.) Who becomes the face of the forced change? If it is Goodell, fans of the team are likely to revolt and root for the Redskins name simply as a means of protesting the move. If it's Snyder and he stays, they might accept it more. If it's a new owner, fans may or may not embrace it based on their reaction to him/her.
    11.) If they change the color scheme and jerseys, what do they look like? (A stupid one, I admit, but look at the Bucs and/or Titans. Fans are more likely to wear jerseys and merchandise that looks "cool.")

    That's really all I have and that's off the top of my head. I'm sure there are a lot of other things as well.
  5. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Lol, the goddamn clippers just sold for two billion and you think a name change would cost Washington a ton of value.
  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    If the Redskins have gained value for 15 years under Dan Snyder's ownership, there ain't a fucking thing in the world that can cause them to lose value.
  7. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    How so? He was talking about the fans getting over the old name. Are you really telling me the Charlotte NBA fan fanbase really embraced the nickname Bobcats?
    I'm not talking about the team being successful because, as stated above, the fact that they sucked balls had a lot to do with that (Even though I'd argue the Hornets sucked balls for a long time as well but still...)
    My point is, the Bobcats name sucked ass and the fans couldn't wait to go back to Hornets so if you think a name doesn't matter, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
  8. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Do you really believe they lost one fan because of the name change?
  9. SEC Guy

    SEC Guy Member

    The Bobcats/Hornets have fans?
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    "Lost" is different than asking "Do you really believe the name change caused at least one fan not to give a shit about the team and stop attending games when they sucked ass and couldn't win a game to save their life?"
    I'm sure they didn't "lose" any fans but I'd say there's a reason why the Charlotte fans are embracing the shit out of going back to the Hornets name and it's not because the team is going to suck any less tomorrow than it did yesterday when they were the Bobcats.
    My point is that, from a business standpoint, the name DOES matter. I'm not arguing the Redskins can't change their name to anything because, errmygod, they're doomed. There are tons of names they could change it to that I'm sure fans would love.
    But, from a business standpoint, why should they be forced to change their identity?
    As someone above said, it's just a stupid sports team right? Who gives a shit.
    Is changing the team name suddenly going to result in the world all coming together and singing kumbaya and eliminating any possibility of racism for future generations? Doubtful.
    All this is is a group of self-entitled pricks taking offense at something that, in the grand scheme of things, doesn't matter one iota and making it their cause because they have nothing better to do with their time.
  11. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    This comes from someone who lives in the Redskins backyard:

    There are literally dozens of names it could use that have more of a connection to this region and DON'T denigrate an entire race of people. Warriors, Generals, Senators, etc. Pick one.

    If you change the name without an overall rebranding, you're doing it wrong.

    The logo is not, and has never been, the issue.

    Why would the history of the franchise not remain intact? And, no, don't plug retro night as "The Return of the Redskins!"

    The fans will accept it as soon as training camp starts, if not sooner.

    Robert Griffin III is the face of this franchise, even after last year's debacle. He will be for the foreseeable future. You play well on the field, the fans will be on board with whoever. It really is that simple. Or, Jay Gruden can try to separate himself from two months of history and do it himself. Either way, marketing is way low on the list of priorities.

    This town will go crazy for the first two-game winning streak or the first NFC East win, whichever comes first. Guaranteed.

    Who cares? Nostalgia is always going to exist.

    Snyder once sued his own ticketholders and that didn't move the needle. Do you think this will?

    Snyder is not going to be forced to sell the team. Relax. Even if he was, fans don't cheer for owners.

    "Will my check bounce? No? Then I don't care."

    If you think Redskins fans will accept something MORE because it comes from Snyder, you're a moron. Once more, fans will act like nothing happened once the team puts together a few strong games.

    Who cares? That's hardly a deal breaker. Teams introduce new color schemes, logos and uniform designs all the time, even when they're KEEPING their name.
  12. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    The original Hornets had a rabid fan base that sold out every game for a decade. Then, their shitheel owner held the city hostage for a new arena, then took his ball and left for New Orleans, with the league agreeing to return a team to Charlotte within a few years. That's a totally different situation - the city had its team stolen from them and returned in a cheap knockoff. Now, they get to restore its original identity.
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