headon, apply directly to the forehead. headon, apply directly to the forehead. headon, apply directly to the forehead.
You know, could you keep it on topic. The last thing I need while I sit here and listen to my Coldplay CD's is personal garbage like this. Take it to PM's. I feel for you, I really do. Have a nice Thanksgiving.
They are, or at least were, showing that same commercial here in the States. That is Chris Farley's brother playing the dad.
amen. that punk-ass little shit needs to get dragged home by the ear for being a dipshit. And fuck his salamander. Somebody should stomp on it.
If I see the BK Spongebob No Pants commercial one more time, I will shoot my TV Same with John Chevy Mellencamp.....
Now that I work at home, it would seem like a dream to be able to have Sci Fi channel on in the background while I work (Stargate Atlantis marathon today -- I love it when a good show is on.) It is, however.... The downside are some of the most obnoxiously STUPID commercials known to mankind!! * The ADT commercials which try to convey the feeling they care. You don't, you're trying to sell me an alarm system, which, in my neck of the woods is nicely served by a 30-ought-6. Someone is trying to break into the house, and you stop to answer the <expletive deleted> phone?! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, YOU MORON! * The commercial with the 'sweet little old lady' who exclaims, "That's not for me, that's for some old person." Then she breaks her hip. I want to slap her! And the smarmy daughter sitting next to her. * Ditto to whoever mentioned the SpongeBob No Pants commercial. Rosebud saw it last night and thought it was one of the creepiest things she's ever seen on TV. I'm sure I'll add more as the work day progresses. ;D
I have a love/hate with the Coors Light press conference commercials. I do like the Coors Light commercial about the pregnancy test/mountains on the label turning blue.