The one I hate is for a Jeep vehicle. Woman wakes up from her tent to find two guys taking her canoe. They start floating down the river and she follows in her Jeep. She stops upriver from them and sees a wolf or coyote and "picks" it up off the rocks and places it into the canoe with the guys. The guys freak out and jump out the canoe. Commercial ends with her driving off with canoe on top of her Jeep. WHATHAFUCK? I don't get it. Just stupid. "Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?" [/seinfeld]
Just when I thought Boston Pizza's ads up here couldn't get any worse than their deplorable ones with Howie Mandel they spring the caveman guy who goes nuts over Italian food at us. Awful, awful ads but I guess we've got Deal or No Deal to thank for getting Howie off the BP ads.
Something about it made me want to go into a violent rage everything I saw it, but, hey, I'm not normal. Hey expendable: A fun fact -- you and I may be listed one before the other if there was ever a list of SJ members by number of posts.
There is. Go up to the top of the page, click on "members", and it will show our group alphabetically. Then click on "posts", and you should be somewhere around page nine.
BYH, I usually agree with you but I have had it with Geico and the cavemen. It's overkill and it's no longer funny. I grab the remote the minute I see another coming. But carry on and have a good day. Just don't shave your head.
Agreed. And why is it that no matter what the mediacation is, the side effects usually seem worse than the condition that the medication is supposed to help? "If you have migraines, take _______. Side effects generally include sweating, vomiting, anal fissures, swollen testicles and personality disorder."
I know you don't want to smell me from... all the way over there... or over there... but right... here. I know. I'm working on it. You have to understand, before I met you, I did not have the best body spray induced love life. First, I was a TAG man. A 5 second sprayer, no more, no less. Yet, Madame Mandelbaum did not become a buxom, bespectacled young madamoiselle. A sexual encounter? Perhaps, if you consider getting a face full of soggy pink crepe a sexual encounter. It was no experience, brought to you by Naughty America. And I did have a continued inability to understand French, comprende? Then came Axe. You'd think the brand that started the body spray trend would know what they were doing. I went for the dual can, slo-mo helicopter spin out of the hope of calling forth a bouncy bikini stampede. All I got were a bunch of Kazahks in gold chains, because they sensed that I had plenty of artificial man musk to spare. Please RGX body spray girl. This is it. I know it is. I'm ready to step up, but please for the love of God, I hope you when you say "you know who separates the men from the boys?" you don't mean you want me and kazahk dude to double team you. Please? PS- I am aware your "name" is Rachel Specter, but its a lot easier to diminish your personhood and increase objectification by calling you RGX body spray girl