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Daddy Dearest

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Fenian_Bastard, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    1) The lasting fact I took from the story FB linked: James Baker was president of the 21 Club.
    2) After reading that story, not sure what your beef could be. It basically says GWB has admitted failure and he is reluctantly getting steered toward people with a different way of thinking. I thought that is what you wanted, FB. It seems certain that Baker's commission is going to suggest a way that gets us out of Iraq, while trying to salvage some dignity for the administration. Isn't getting us out of Iraq what you want?
  2. Ragu --
    OK, that's the glass half-full take, but, until they're fully held before the bar of history, or the actual bar in a courtroom, for the lies and incompetence and corruption and idiocy that they've inflicted on two countries, I'm not going to hand out gold-stars to these clowns for confronting reality three years too late. I hope Baker can pull a rabbit out of the hat, but he's the guy who ran the ball in Florida so we wound up with President Stupid in the first place, and Lee Hamilton's the D who took the biggest dive on Iran-Contra, so I'm in wait-and-see mode. And, of course, there is no good solution for the US in Iraq, only less-bad ones.
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    I dont want to see 41 humiliated. He'll he was an improvement from the person before him and the one major flaw in his term was not finishing the job with Saddam (no new taxes reneg didn't bother me). As for 43, I hope Patsy Ramsay is keeping that special seat next to her warm for GWB...
  4. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Boy, do you grade on a curve.

    Yeah, hurray for GWB for getting a grip only after being forced to.
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I didn't write anything about gold stars. Any fair reading of that story basically was making the point I was... Bush 43 is an abject failure and he's accepting it. And now he has no choice but to let all of these old-line, seasoned political types, who have a wealth of diplomatic and political experience--contemporaries of his dad, including Baker, who is the best man alive at striking political compromises--find a way to bail him out. It seems that you are so intent on slapping Bush 43 on the wrist and calling him a dunce first, that until you get your pound of flesh, you won't accept that you are getting the closest thing possible to what you wanted, while Bush is still in the White House. This couldn't be playing out any better for you, given where we are at. The alternative was two more hard-headed years of Bush ignoring outside opinion and letting Rumsfeld and Cheney call the shots. What you are getting is a group of outsiders trying to come up with a plan to get us out of Iraq.
  6. A group of outsiders?
    Jim Baker?
    Lee Hamilton?
    Outside this administration, OK, but outsiders?
    And if you think GWB considers himself a failureor even the architect of a failed policy, you haven't yet traced the limits of what he is. And I have almost 3000 reasons not to give a damn about being told that I want a pound of flesh.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Please read what I wrote, and explain to me how I wrote anything resembling "hurray for GWB"? You just reiiterated my point... That he is getting a grip because he's been forced to. My exact words were "GWB has admitted failure and..." Not one word in the rest of the post congratulated him for being a fuck up. It might help to find some reading comprehension skills before hitting the reply button.
  8. He has been told - by people who have baild him out his whole sorry life and, I suspect, by Condi Rice -- that his policies have failed. I don't believe he thinks they have, but he's going to go along with Daddy's retainers because he doesn't know any other way.
  9. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Lee Hamilton, who is the co-chair, is a democrat, which is as much as you could expect on a commission put together by the administration. I give Baker credit for trying to cut through the partisan divide and acheive some sort of compromise. To me, it is a stark contrast to the iron-fisted technique employed for the last six years. I'd have thought you'd find that positive.

    Yes, they are outsiders in the sense that they aren't viewing the world after drinking a batch of Kool-Aid mixed by Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Given this administration's record, and the fact that they have spent six years with their fingers in their ears screaming, that is a pretty strong admission of failure.

    At least you're admitting that you want your pound of flesh. I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying, don't be so partisanly blind that you can't accept when you have gotten something you wanted. The pound of flesh might make you feel good, but it isn't a solution to the Iraq mess. It's just something that will make you feel good.
  10. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    I can read fine, thanks.

    Wasn't attributing "hurray for GWB" to you. Sorry it came out that way.
  11. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    And yes, it is good news, for what it is. Just a few years and thousands of deaths late.
  12. Pound of flesh, no.
    Real accountability, and not a soft landing arranged by Daddy's retainers, yes.
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