He was on the day after with Olbermann. Olbermann told him it's a cold world out there. Patrick said he'd take a flashlight with him. Don't know how to link but there was a good story on it in the Globe today.
I've always been a DP fan, ever since he was on CNN and did callins on the morning show on 96 Rock in Atlanta. I grew up watching him and KO being probably the best Sportscenter anchors ever. After KO got fired for some stupid comments he made about Bristol being a miserable place while on Kilborn's version of the Daily Show show (I still like him better Stewart) they axed him and started putting tools like Stewart Scott and SAS. SC since Patrick has gone away has become almost unwatchable with the volume on. It's become less about the highlights and the games and more about the anchors trying to become "personalities." DP and KO didn't do that they walked the line but never crossed it, they still had the great highlights and did just enough to add some entertainment to keep it fun to watch.
The 1 p.m. Eastern time slot on ESPN Radio was guest-hosted today and introduced as "ESPN Radio" where it has -- even when there's been a guest host in the past -- always been introduced as "The Dan Patrick Show" ... (The intro today was: "Now, on ESPN Radio, this is ESPN Radio. Today's guests on ESPN Radio will appear via the OnStar hotline") The show's name is always used in that intro. It just sounded odd and quite curious. EDIT: I guess this explains it a little. http://sports.aol.com/fanhouse/2007/07/17/dan-patrick-will-return-for-farewell-week-at-espn-radio
I've never seen Dan Patrick on TV or heard him on the radio, but Scott Raab's profile of him in Esquire made me like him plenty.
Patrick may have plenty of $$$ but that hasn't stopped him from not wanting to waste any: He's off until Aug. 17 because he's built up more than a month of back vacation pay that Disney refuses to cash out for him.