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Deadspin: Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend story was a hoax

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Small Town Guy, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not I am dumb but I can't understand
    Why she walked talked like a woman and talked walked like a man
    Oh my Lola lo-lo-lo-lo Lola lo-lo-lo-lo Lola Tu-i-a-so-so-po Tu-tu-tu-i-a-so-so-po
  2. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Is there anyone left who still believes that Te'o was in on the hoax from the start? Other than Deadspin, I mean.
  3. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I think that there are plenty of members of the public who do. Maybe even the majority. I was talking to a co-worker yesterday - a double Stanford graduate - who was still absolutely convinced of it. "For publicity," she said. For these people, it comes down to this: What's more believable? That a football player engaged in a self-promotional stunt? Or that a person had a hot-and-heavy, long-term romance with someone he never actually met, even as she lie on her death bed?

    Of course, it's not nearly that simple. But they distill it to that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  4. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    I cant say he knew it was a hoax, but he should have known it was a bizzare situation a long time ago. Te'o has gone from a coniving schemer, to a bald faced liar, to a naive dupe to a scared lying fool.

    He's all of that, as is Notre Dame.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  5. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Jesus Christ.

  6. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Disney looking to do a modern remake of Snow White renamed "Lennay Kekua and the 7 Samoans"
  7. Probably happened during one of those eight-hour phone calls.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  8. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    The "Te'o was in on it!!!!" crowd....

    Te'o: We talked on the phone for hours.

    Te'o: We talked every single night.
    Crowd: I see you didn't talk on Aug. 12. BUT YOU SAID EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!!!!! YOU'RE A LIAR!!!!!!!

  9. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    That's fabulous.

    Honestly, he'd damn near be better off now claiming he was in on it from the beginning. I think I'd rather be seen as conniving than as a simpering little twit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  10. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    From Holocaust deniers to 9/11 truthers to JFK assassination obsessives to creationists, this is how conspiracy theorists and cranks always operate: Any discrepancy, no matter how minor or insignificant, means that the entire official story is a facade. Also, an accumulation of evidence seemingly pointing in one direction is never enough. The burden is on you, naive believer, to unearth the single unifying scrap of evidence that validates your entire theory.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  11. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member


    As we reach the second round, the best available, both in draft and relationship status, is Te'o from Notre Dame. Thoughts, Mel?


    Manti Te'o seems to have slid a little in the draft, and he did not do himself any favors with the performance against Alabama and skipping the combine when the ghost of a former friend told him not attend, but to meet him/her/it or her/him/they in Provo.

    Te'o shows great awareness on the field and is a tackling machine. His recognition skills and his ability to anticipate separates him as a linebacker.

    He does need to improve on a possible suspect 40 time and the difference between a man's voice and a woman's voice. Teams could also worry about false reads if Te'o thinks Tom Brady is a cheerleader or the other way around.


    Let me tell you all about Man Tie Tay Oww. This young man is going to make a hell of a pro someday and some team very happ...

    Jesus, what the fuck am I doing? I cannot take this anymore. I sound like a complete idiot.

    Te'o is loonier than entire Raider organization. You would have to be crazier than Al Davis with low blood sugar to consider taking this guy right now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  12. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Deadspin's live blog of the Couric interview is, in a way Deadspin would put it, the most Deadspin live blog ever!!!! Because of course it is!!!
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