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Dear dimwit on the phone

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Starman, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    *sigh* ;)

    OK, I am going to give you the answer I was given.

    "That would not have given the Falls girls the chance to get their nails and hair done."

    You asked. ;)
  2. JosephC.Myers

    JosephC.Myers Active Member

    Geez. That's one of the most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I'm a glutton for punishment, so here goes ....

    How long does it take for them to get their hair and nails done?

    Seriously, start the game at 9 a.m., play until 11ish, get home and showered by 1, line up at the hair places (I would hope there's more than one), get it done by 4, get home and in gowns by 5, and be ready at 6.

    Either that, or if the school is having an all-night party, then play the game on Sunday at 5. Let them play on 6 hours of sleep.
  4. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    Just reporting the facts, sir. ;)

    I would assume many had appointments for the morning.

    We are talking a small town.
  5. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    They dance so hard?
  6. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Or would it be like cheer competitions where they never give the scores?
  7. young-gun11

    young-gun11 Member

    What about the layoffs between semesters?
  8. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    I agree. Divide the year into four 11-week quarters. Schedule in a two-week break between quarters (heck, most schools take two weeks off at Christmas anyway). It would benefit everyone.
  9. Gator

    Gator Well-Known Member

    I'm sure I'm not the first, but here's something pretty annoying. A guy had a submission about a local rifle club competition, which was fine. He emailed me the results and a picture and thanked me when it ran a few days later.

    But here's where he's a dimwit. Now I'm on his forward mailing list, and I've been getting all of those killer jokes, doctored pictures and "send this to 10 people or you'll die" emails for the last week. There's been at least 5-6. What a clown.
  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    heh, I get a lot of this too now... I normally just chalk it up to someone not being that tech-savvy, if they're older than 35, 40. Under that though, and yeah, you have no excuse.
  11. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    Caller today was "deeply hurt" that we didn't have coverage of her darling grandbaby winning his age group in a local 5K.

    Except we did, he was right there in the agate results. And she knew that, but that didn't seem to be enough.

    She couldn't quite bring herself to say that we should have written a story just about him - he's 9, finished 38th overall - but you could tell that's what she had on her mind.

  12. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    It's only a story if he has a disease or is missing a leg!! [/blue font]

    Snark aside...yeah...it's not a story.
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