This bugs. If he can't amplify what he does without tearing someone else down, he needs to hush. Shaking my head... That was "Finding the Good Person You Can Be 101" for my middle schoolers.
Wow, I can't believe this thread has been inactive for so long, it used to be the gem of this board. Is it a sad commentary that so few of us are left to pick up the phone at a news outlet?
I mean, it would probably be depressing if we did a poll about the number of people on this board *actually* still drawing a full-time paycheck as a sports reporter. (Hell, I only would have qualified for about two or three years since graduating college in 2007.)
Been almost six years since a full-time paycheck. Haven't drawn a part-time one since April. I think it was April.
With this post, this thread enters its 11th year. And I have made many contributions. But I've been out of the business for a year and a half, so I don't have anything else to share.
I could expound on my experiences working with craft breweries and winery owners and the head shaking I have emailing some of them ... but yeah, I left the sports biz in late 2015.
Yeah, left the biz 7 years ago and in my new field don't deal with calls or really emails much. I am lucky. But don't get me started on dimwit coworkers
Given the state of the country these days, we could just leave it at, “Dear Dimwits...” and get this thread to 100,000 pages.
I moved from journalism to being a political staffer just over a year ago. I could add many new stories.
Would love to share stories, but put in a total of maybe 20 hours of work since the middle of calls to answer.